{% extends "default.html" %} {% block pagetype %}userpage{% endblock %} {% block title %} {% if u and u.profilecss and not request.values.get('nocss') %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if u.customtitle %}{{u.customtitle | safe}}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% if v and (v.id == u.id or v.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_VOTERS_VISIBLE']) -%} {%- endif %}Based Count: {{u.basedcount}}
{% endif %} {% if FEATURES['USERS_PROFILE_BODYTEXT'] -%} {% if u.bio_html %}No bio...
{% endif %} {% if u.friends_html %}Friends:
Awards received
{% for a in u.received_awards %} x{{a['count']}} {% endfor %}Moderator of
{% for a in u.moderated_subs %} /h/{{a['sub']}} {% endfor %}User ID: {{u.id}}
Coins spent: {{u.coins_spent}}
True score: {{u.truecoins}}
Winnings: {{u.winnings}}
{% if u.is_private %}User has private mode enabled.
{% endif %} {% if v and (v.admin_level > 1 or v.alt) %} Alts:Banned by: @{{u.banned_by.username}}
{% endif %}{{u.pronouns}}
{% endif %} {% if u.customtitle %}{{u.customtitle | safe}}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% if v and (v.id == u.id or v.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_VOTERS_VISIBLE']) -%} {%- endif %}Friends:
Awards received
{% for a in u.received_awards %} x{{a['count']}} {% endfor %}Moderator of
{% for a in u.moderated_subs %} /h/{{a['sub']}} {% endfor %}User ID: {{u.id}}
Coins spent: {{u.coins_spent}}
True score: {{u.truecoins}}
Winnings: {{u.winnings}}
{% if u.is_private %}User has private mode enabled.
{% endif %} {% if v and (v.admin_level > 1 or v.alt) %} Alts:Banned by: @{{u.banned_by.username}}
{% endif %}