{%- import 'util/macros.html' as macros with context -%} {% if v %} {% include "modals/award.html" %} {% endif %} {% if v and v.admin_level > 1 %} {% endif %} {% include "popover.html" %} {% for p in listing if user_can_see(v, p) %} {% set ups=p.upvotes %} {% set downs=p.downvotes %} {% set score=ups-downs %} {% if v %} {% set voted= p.voted %} {% else %} {% set voted=-2 %} {% endif %} {% set v_forbid_deleted = (p.deleted_utc != 0 or p.is_banned) and not (v and v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']) and not (v and v.id == p.author_id) %} {% if p.active_flags(v) %}
Your {% if "/saved/" in request.path %}saved posts{% elif "/subscribed/" in request.path %}subscribed posts{% else %}posting history{% endif %} will show here.
{% if "/saved/" not in request.path and "/subscribed/" not in request.path %}Create a post{% endif %}Their posting history will show here.