@ -891,7 +891,6 @@ SET row_security = off;
-- Data for Name: marseys; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyspecial', 2, 'retard reaction slow special needs sped', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyappicon', 2, 'iphone ios android application googleplay samsung', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyastronaut2', 2, 'cosmonaut spacesuit helmet', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypastor', 2, 'christian baptist southern church black papist mrpenny preacher priest', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -913,7 +912,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypizzaslice', 2, 'pizza shill longpost
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhomochingchong', 2, 'asian chinese jap gook chink rice gay strawhat glasses squint rainbow tiedie tyedye tyedie tiedye', 0, NULL, 1663248780);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfugg2', 2, 'spurdo sparde', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeskimo', 2, 'inuit native arctic fishing dog helpful ice freeze winter cold', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysperm', 2, 'cum swim vasectomy jizz semen spunk penis sex pregnant coom animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshock', 2, 'shock fear afraid terror scared horrified', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyturnedon', 2, 'aroused arousal amorous horny', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvampirebite', 2, 'cope seethe mask house', 0, NULL, 1663376896);
@ -927,8 +925,10 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseythegrey', 2, 'lord of the rings magic
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjoy', 2, 'smile excited smug', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytransrentfree', 2, 'transgender lgbt rent free wojak chud', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyappleseed', 2, 'american usa johnny history folk fruit food pot pan helmet legend', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyspecial', 2, 'retard reaction slow special needs sped', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytime', 2, '10pm tock tick clock animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjacksparrow', 2, 'johnny depp amber heard abuse violence punch beat feminist Jack sparrow', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysperm', 2, 'cum swim vasectomy jizz semen spunk penis sex pregnant coom animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybestfriends', 2, 'snoo reddit alien slice kill kys stab blood wpd', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytyping', 2, 'computer keyboard bongo animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyterfdomesticabuse', 2, 'terf domestic abuse violence feminism feminist lesbian ovarit radical', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1092,6 +1092,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanpleading', 2, 'bean begging please
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanimp', 2, 'bean demon devil devious mischevious playful teasing', 0, NULL, 1663124439);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydarkcomrade', 2, 'communist commie pinko lasereyes russian kgb hat soviet ussr tankie', 0, NULL, 1663254781);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychtorrr2', 2, 'reddit admin chonker fat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyxd', 2, 'lmao reaction rofl haha lol laughing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydarkcarp', 2, 'lasereyes carpathianflorist fish admin jannie mod banned yalled', 0, NULL, 1663211530);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybetauprising', 2, 'blackops2cel blops2cel incel volcel lasereyes dark involuntary celibate saint', 0, NULL, 1663213986);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyangel3', 2, 'halo happy innocent', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1100,7 +1101,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybardfinn', 2, 'domestic violence bardf
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyraiden', 2, 'mgs vidya', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyratso', 2, 'furry nsfw porn', 0, NULL, 1663119130);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanwink', 2, 'bean joking flirtacious suggestive ironic', 0, NULL, 1663124851);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyxd', 2, 'lmao reaction rofl haha lol laughing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanpizzashill', 2, 'bean chud agendaposter physiognomy footlocker pojom', 0, NULL, 1663123650);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycornholio', 2, 'beavis butthead cornholio metallica marsey mtv', 0, NULL, 1663135986);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanmonocle', 2, 'bean posh wise snobbish bourgeois aristocrat victorian', 0, NULL, 1663124531);
@ -1145,10 +1145,10 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycumjar2', 2, 'semen jizz sperm spunk b
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyarthoe7', 2, 'woman foid scene emo bitch slut whore thot', 0, NULL, 1663354565);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycrystalmaiden', 2, 'gamer video game gaymer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyceiling', 2, 'spy masturbate watching peeping', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylongpost', 2, 'tldr reaction wall of text wordswordswords animated words', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfellowpedo', 2, 'libertarian glowie fbi', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyimam', 2, 'muslim islam saudi ghutra keffiyah kufiya emiratis arab', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyniqabpearlclutch', 2, 'bombasticpussy sjw snowflake burka burqa', 0, NULL, 1663350191);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylongpost', 2, 'tldr reaction wall of text wordswordswords animated words', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycool2', 2, 'cigarette hip shades sunglasses jacket smoking smoke', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyatfagent', 2, 'feds atf agent glowies usa america waco swat m16 firearm rifle cops police', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyairquotes', 2, 'reaction patronizing animated uh huh', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1239,10 +1239,10 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyduchamp', 2, 'art urinal duchamp moder
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeerie1', 2, 'eerie excited calico', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybush', 2, 'genocide president mission accomplished victory george bush we did it', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhankhill', 2, 'cartoon propane hank grill kingofthehill', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydoubtit', 2, 'dumpster defender redneck boomer shooting doubt it cocksucker gun', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysjw', 2, 'lgbt social justice reaction gay snowflake pride', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseythonk', 2, 'confused reaction thinking thunk thonk', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycringe', 2, 'pepe frog', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydoubtit', 2, 'dumpster defender redneck boomer shooting doubt it cocksucker gun', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizogrizzlylove', 2, 'schizo grizzly bear love schizocel animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizonekolove', 2, 'nekobit neko schizo schizocel schizomarsey rare love', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjewoftheorientglow', 2, 'animated glow rice china chinese chink commie mao xi', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1259,8 +1259,9 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymanlet', 2, 'llm short midget dwarf li
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhappy', 2, 'pleased contented reaction contentment satisfied', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygoodmap', 2, 'map pedo dead shoot animated shotgun buckshot kill minor libertarian', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfurry2', 2, 'furry fur degenerate sex', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycopeseethedilate', 2, 'dilate seethe coping seething reaction angry mad dilating cope malding', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyreading', 2, 'study homework learn nerd novel reaction book', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapy2022', 2, 'aevann caypbara new year party celebration', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycopeseethedilate', 2, 'dilate seethe coping seething reaction angry mad dilating cope malding', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychartgaussian', 2, 'stats statistics chart graph plot data gaussian normal bell distribution', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhijab', 2, 'hijab reading islam jihad muslim allah quran koran', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfry', 2, 'phillip fry take my money futurama', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1294,7 +1295,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapydinosaur', 2, 'capy aevann dinosau
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytf2heavy', 2, 'tf2 heavy weapons valve vidya game minigun russia', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykiwivampire', 2, 'kiwi new zealand dramarama house scary spooky bird cloak sanguine fangs halloween bloodsucker', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychristmaself2', 2, 'elf santa northpole north pole christmas holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyreading', 2, 'study homework learn nerd novel reaction book', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey40k', 2, 'warhammer 40k 40000 space space marine marine ultramarine smurf', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydepressed', 2, 'smoke kms doomer cigarette despair reaction depression suicide suicidal smoking hopeless sad', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytf2spy', 2, 'tf2 spy france mercenary smoke suit valve vidya game espionage', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1317,7 +1317,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyworried', 2, 'monkaw anxiety sweat pan
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybangfast', 2, 'head wall bang schizo psycho selfharm deranged gif', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychemist', 2, 'chemistry science chemical', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('karlmarxey', 2, 'marxist communist history communism socialism', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseythumbsup', 2, 'cool good job good one agree reaction nice work yes great job', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyayy', 2, 'wop tone guido wooden doors sopranos greaser dego paulie', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykermit', 2, 'kermit green frog puppet absinthe television sesame children', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypatriot', 2, 'uncle sam red white and blue burgerland holiday american 4oj patriotic', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1330,6 +1329,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylois', 2, 'familyguy familyman family
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydeterminedgun', 2, 'shooting blam blatt shooter kill die threatening animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeansick', 2, 'bean sick vomit nausea unwell ill', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyanticarp', 2, 'reaction fish carpathianflorist', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseythumbsup', 2, 'cool good job good one agree reaction nice work yes great job', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizolangleylove', 2, 'animated schizo schizocel rare love langley cia glowie glow', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymike', 2, 'disney pixar monsters inc cyclops', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydealwithit', 2, 'cool shades sunglasses reaction animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1373,12 +1373,14 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyropeyourself2', 2, 'kill yourself kys
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshake', 2, 'cartoon athf aqua fastfood shake dessert icecream', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marfield', 2, 'mondays garfield lasagna', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybreadcrumbing', 2, 'bait lure feeding food throwing animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyban', 2, 'jannie janitor banhammer moderator banned', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyskeletor', 2, 'skeleton mask heman 80s man halloween he man cartooon he holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marje', 2, 'juicebox juice box madje marsey', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypain', 2, 'suffering meme kms kill myself cat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyreportercnn', 2, 'reporter journalist journoid interviewer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marlion', 2, 'animated flippers wave fins waving mermaid', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysadgun', 2, 'pepe mellokind crying tears suicidal suicide kms frog', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydomesticabuse', 2, 'domestic violence bardfinn foid beating punching battering battered bandage hurt pain woman female', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhomestar', 2, 'homestar runner fast everybody 2000s', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybath', 2, 'shower tub rubber duck', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marchipmunk', 2, 'rodent squirrel wuzizname', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1387,7 +1389,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseystalin', 2, 'tankie authleft ussr russ
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjunkie2', 2, 'addicted drugs pills glue huffing ether overdose', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrentfree', 2, 'reaction no charge obsessed obsession', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycountryclub', 2, 'golfer elite rich golfing cc elitist preppy', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydomesticabuse', 2, 'domestic violence bardfinn foid beating punching battering battered bandage hurt pain woman female', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysonic', 2, 'hedgehog blue', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfedscared2', 2, 'glowie glowbipoc federal agent frightened nervous worried panicking fear', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybear', 2, 'brian gabby murderer brianna', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1410,7 +1411,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysnowman', 2, 'christmas cold snow wint
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyorthodox', 2, 'priest schismatic bartholomew_1 christian', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybane', 2, 'soy mask batman capeshit', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysexylibrarian', 2, 'books hoe old woman thot nerd boobs bra geek', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyban', 2, 'jannie janitor banhammer moderator banned', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyobamahope', 2, 'happy poster barack', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykyle', 2, 'killer konvict rifle rittenhouse kid gun kenosha kylie', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey1984', 2, 'orwell book ingsoc big brother fascist', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1423,7 +1423,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylovecraftian', 2, 'cosmic horror eldri
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycolossal', 2, 'halloween skin holiday scary mouths', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycenter', 2, 'reaction grilling boomer centrist', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymeds', 2, 'mentally ill rightoid doctor psycho crazy mental illness reaction risperidone schizo nurse', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylaugh', 2, 'lmao reaction point funny haha lol judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhomsar', 2, 'homsar homestar rslur retard dumb loud shout 2000s', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypikachu2', 2, 'pokemon shoked meme reaction surprised shocked gasp', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylegion', 2, 'zombie wolf fallout new vegas fnv caesar courier video game roman', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1433,6 +1432,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygigaretard', 2, 'idiot neurodivergent
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysipping', 2, 'drinking root drink reaction stare thirsty purple drank juice bored', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybrianna', 2, 'trans bear laundrie gabby', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyridin', 2, 'joe biden kamala harris voted voting election american president hat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshooting', 2, 'blam blatt shotgun kill pow murder', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyloadingneon', 2, 'animated loading spinner webdev rolling ball circle neon', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrick', 2, 'smart 150iq high iq reaction 150 iq morty', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyxi', 2, 'xi jinping china chinese asia', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1441,6 +1441,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyelephantcumjar1', 2, 'semen jizz sperm
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybateman', 2, 'bret easton ellis serial halloween patrick american psycho killer holiday blood murderer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfedscared', 2, 'glowie glownigger federal agent frightened nervous worried panicking fear', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychungus', 2, 'bugs bunny meme fat chonker big', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylaugh', 2, 'lmao reaction point funny haha lol judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymrsclaus', 2, 'christmas santa winter boobs', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizosallove', 2, 'animated schizo schizocel rare love sal', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypolarbear', 2, 'bear polar cold white arctic ice', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1459,7 +1460,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybyeceps', 2, 'crying kyle gaige grossk
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyandjesus', 2, 'christianity christian jesus god love cute wholesome happy hug', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycalarts', 2, 'excited eager happy thrilled', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyattentionseeker', 2, 'attention seek notice shout yell desperate narcissist notice', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshooting', 2, 'blam blatt shotgun kill pow murder', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycomradehandshake', 2, 'ussr russia communist shaking hand communism soviet', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoylentgrin', 2, 'numale nu male menslib redditor plebbitor happy glasses soyjak nerd loser beta smile smiling', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyoctopus', 2, 'tentacles kraken tentacled', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1477,6 +1477,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseynoyouglow', 2, 'fbi no u animated feds
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyspyglow', 2, 'spy agent shill glowie russia china', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychessknight', 2, 'chess knight horse game', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyduck2', 2, 'onesie', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyflamewar', 2, 'troll fight fire reaction gasoline', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydeadhorse', 2, 'drowned pony drowning', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysylveon', 2, 'trick or treat pokemon halloween eevee costume holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycatgirl2', 2, 'anime weebshit', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1499,7 +1500,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marcake', 2, 'cupcake birthgay birthday cake
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfurry', 2, 'fursona furry fursuit kitsune', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyamazon', 2, 'warehouse piss bottle driver wagecuck piss jug pissbottle pissjug wagie', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey4chan', 2, 'neckbeard anonymous loser hacker', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyflamewar', 2, 'troll fight fire reaction gasoline', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyangel', 2, 'reaction angelic happy innocent', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydildo', 2, 'horse', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyill', 2, 'winter chilly cold ill sick brr flu', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1522,6 +1522,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydisabled', 2, 'retarded handicapable h
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeyeroll', 2, 'rolleyes rolling eyes mock animated reaction roll eyes duh', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('chudsey', 2, '4chan virgin pol rightoid', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyamogus', 2, 'sussy baka impostor imposter stonetoss among us shh vent', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhealthy', 2, 'burger king fat fast food crown unhealthy junk food american', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygrass', 2, 'reaction outside touchgrass touch grass', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfinger', 2, 'flipping middle finger bird reaction flicking judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizosal', 2, 'schizo sal rare weeks nowhere', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1594,11 +1595,12 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycthulhu', 2, 'horror halloween lovecra
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoldieramerica', 2, 'army war gun rifle burger mutt', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydeuxfoid', 2, 'deuxrama asian azn hardislife hil', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey300', 2, 'leonidas shield armor thermopylae spear greek spartan', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhealthy', 2, 'burger king fat fast food crown unhealthy junk food american', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhoodwink', 2, 'cloak crossbow', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseynut', 2, 'orgasm ahegao cum reaction coom', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydylan', 2, 'columbine school shooter psycho gun pistol klebold', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapyparty', 2, 'trip animated wooo aevann admin party parrot', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyburger', 2, 'burgerstan hamburger cheeseburger mutt american', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyesandno', 2, 'agree disagree both confused indecisive trippy animated inconclusive idk fencesitter switzerland', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyowow', 2, 'reaction excited owo', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybux', 2, 'money paypig currency dollar bill primo premium dollarbill cash', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymarseyloveorgy', 2, 'reaction love blush aww hugging cuddling cuddle snuggle snuggling hearts xoxo nested recursion inception orgy group', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1608,13 +1610,12 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyretard3', 2, 'drooling stupid idiot sp
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyglowaward', 2, 'medal fbi ribbon animated glownigger retard glowie fed atf cia nsa', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycat', 2, 'fursona skin animal costume furry neko fursuit cat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhorseshoe', 2, 'rightoid leftoid theory', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypunching', 2, 'battle squaring up hit square up boxer fight throwdown reaction boxing fistfight fighting', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylongpostglow', 2, 'animated pippy glow fedpost longpost words mad angry rage wtf green chud fbi mossad fed atf police reaction scrolling', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyumbreon2', 2, 'pokemon eevee furry eeveelution evolution', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylovedrama', 2, 'hearts rdrama reaction happy animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyesandno', 2, 'agree disagree both confused indecisive trippy animated inconclusive idk fencesitter switzerland', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymodelo', 2, 'cheers alcohol drinking beer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycorn', 2, 'iowa vegetable', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydylan', 2, 'columbine school shooter psycho gun pistol klebold', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfug', 2, 'benis mustache meme', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypunished', 2, 'punished venom snake metal gear solid kojima eyepatch', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizohanklove', 2, 'animated schizo schizocel rare love byo hank', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1662,7 +1663,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykvlt', 2, 'horgh abbath black metal kr
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycommitted', 2, 'psycho crazy insane straitjacket asylum reaction loony bin straightjacket', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykys', 2, 'reaction keep yourself safe kill yourself suicide', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapymad', 2, 'shaking aevann mad angry fury furious anger shook animated capybara', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypunching', 2, 'battle squaring up hit square up boxer fight throwdown reaction boxing fistfight fighting', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykwanza', 2, 'christmas black kwanza african holidays', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyllama3', 2, 'bottom', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybow', 2, 'bow ribbon happy cute adorable accessory gift present', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1684,6 +1684,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysopa', 2, 'brazil soup macaco monkey t
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseynerd', 2, 'dork loser dweeb geek glasses aevann', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyqueenlizard', 2, 'england bong english british reptilian elizabeth', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyugi', 2, 'yugioh yu-gi-oh! cards trap anime', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyheavymetal', 2, 'rocker musician rock guitar', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoypoint2', 2, 'wojak soyjak soyjack pointing beta redditors', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymancer', 2, 'dead undead horror lich halloween necromancer zombies zombie holiday evil', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfursonatext', 2, 'fursuit fox fursona fursecution furfag yiff uwu owo kitsune', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1735,7 +1736,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypride', 2, 'prideflag rights', 0, NULL
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydawnbreaker', 2, 'gamer video game warhammer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypleading', 2, 'sad eyes begging puppy dog eyes', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymutt2', 2, 'american burger 56 percent mayo', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyheavymetal', 2, 'rocker musician rock guitar', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyplane', 2, 'flying jet pilot', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhammersrdine', 2, 'animated beat bongo hammers sardine redditors can the', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypilgrim', 2, 'thanksgiving puritan holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -1752,13 +1752,13 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapychad2', 2, 'aevann chad capy chady
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyembrace', 2, 'embracing hugging love happy', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyparty3', 2, 'trippy animated happy dance', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypizzashill', 2, 'sex haver chad grass toucher', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyghost', 2, 'spooky halloween costume holiday scary sheet', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysmudge', 2, 'diogenesjr diogenesjunior meme', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeyemixer', 2, 'mixer stirrer eyes blind selfharm mutilation gore blood gouge', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrussel', 2, 'old pipe history', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyagreefast', 2, 'nodding yes sure ok animated enthusiastic enthusiasm', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizocapylove', 2, 'schizo aevann capybara love rare excited', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschrodinger', 2, 'philosophy science physics math', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyagreefast', 2, 'nodding yes sure ok animated enthusiastic enthusiasm', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyghost', 2, 'spooky halloween costume holiday scary sheet', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymerchantelf', 2, 'jew christmas elf santa greedy money chosen worker holiday xmas seth rogen sarah silverman holocaust coin kike', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysaw', 2, 'doll horror halloween jigsaw monster evil torture game holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycop', 2, 'acab thin blue line chauvin police officer', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2033,7 +2033,9 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyelephant', 2, 'oliphant dumbo', 0, NUL
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyprideflag', 2, 'pride flag marseysexual sexuality lgbtq gay trans bipoc queer activism', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylibright', 2, 'libertarian anarcho wagecuck pedophile capitalist lolbert', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymad', 2, 'pissed annoyed furious reaction angry irritated livid', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyparty', 2, 'excite excitement celebrate happy celebrating', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypirate', 2, 'argh eyepatch bandana uraniumdonger', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydisagree', 2, 'nah uh nod nuh uh reaction wrong no way no negative animated judgment smh', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvargselfdefense', 2, 'vikernes euronymous mayhem burzum black metal norway norwegian stab knife kill murder', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyweeb', 2, 'neckbeard sword fedora kitana', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyoldtimey', 2, 'cartoon disney vintage olde classic retro', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2100,8 +2102,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygivecrown', 2, 'king based swole react
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymarseylove', 2, 'aww blush hugging cuddling cuddle snuggle snuggling hearts shy kiss xoxo', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyqueen', 2, 'england bong english british elizabeth', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyblush', 2, 'shy flirting reaction blushing happy cute embarrassed', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyparty', 2, 'excite excitement celebrate happy celebrating', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydisagree', 2, 'nah uh nod nuh uh reaction wrong no way no negative animated judgment smh', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysexy', 2, 'ned flanders stupid sexy flanders skiier skiing winter simpsons', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypearlclutch2', 2, 'sensitive reaction snowflake puritanical gasp sjw', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyeti', 2, 'scary monster myth winter ice mountain himalaya asia predator giant', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2180,18 +2180,20 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychristmasparty', 2, 'christmas holiday
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytrain', 2, 'troomer tranny transgender trains troid transsexual animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyblackcock', 2, 'cock chicken poultry bbc black ride mount cowgirl', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybadnews', 2, 'comic bad news drawing idgaf heathcliff smug troublemaker', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizowall', 2, 'crazy conspiracy conspiracies tinfoil insane nuts psycho', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseynutcracker', 2, 'soldier halberd pike christmas holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycortana', 2, 'cortana halo game blue', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysuffragette', 2, '19a foid feminist 19th terrible feminism regret woman women mistake', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyreindeer', 2, 'christmas santa rudolf capy cold aevann holiday animated walking', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyleftoidschizo', 2, 'sjw shitlib radlib liberal cuck redditor soy crazy animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyskeleton', 2, 'dead bones halloween holiday skeletal', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfatherjoseph', 2, 'christian christmas jesus immaculate god father joseph xmas pray', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygingerbread', 2, 'cookie christmas holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytrollgun', 2, 'kill her psycho', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysnow', 2, 'snowman snowmarsey cold winter christmas holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytimbit', 2, 'pearlclutch pearl clutch sjw triggered canadian leafistan canada crying', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyorthodoxbrap', 2, 'orthodox bartholomew brap fart gas sniff smell christian', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyreindeer4', 2, 'rudolf dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donner blitzen santa sleigh sled christmas winter holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysuffragette', 2, '19a foid feminist 19th terrible feminism regret woman women mistake', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydiehard', 2, 'die hard christmas holiday terrorist gun bruce willis', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhitler', 2, 'adolf adolph nazi germany kraut axis mustache genocide dictator authright chud conservative trump gas', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizomajorgenerallove', 2, 'animated schizo schizocel rare love modern major general', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2210,12 +2212,10 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywolfwalker', 2, 'doreen antiwork zombi
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyzwei', 2, 'drinking germany lederhosen zweirama bavarian beer', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrake', 2, 'canada canadian day of the rake leaf leaves fall autumn genocide', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysneed', 2, 'feed farmer reaction chuck simpsons buck', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytrollgun', 2, 'kill her psycho', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyastronaut', 2, 'astronaut space stars sleeping spacesuit scifi galaxy', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat', 2, 'emoji reaction smile sweat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydagothur', 2, 'elder scrolls morrowind game mask dagothur', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychristmas', 2, 'candy cane santa christmas holiday', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizowall', 2, 'crazy conspiracy conspiracies tinfoil insane nuts psycho', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycoal', 2, 'christmas naughty santa cigarette present gift holiday doom', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytrans2', 2, 'troon tranny transgender troomer lgbt trannies troid transsexual', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrustyventure', 2, 'dramamine venture bros brothers adult swim cartoon character glasses goattee goatee beard', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2245,17 +2245,21 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyretard2', 2, 'drooling stupid idiot sp
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marscientist', 2, 'beaker goggles glass crazy chemicals science', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysnoo', 2, 'shaking redditor scared reaction nervous schizo reddit', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyohno', 2, 'panic frightened scared horror scream afraid reaction horrified nervous shock gasp', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypass', 2, 'marseypasss queen kween foid female woman kween', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyemojirofl', 2, 'emoji reaction rofl rotfl rolling laughing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyblowkiss', 2, 'heart wink reaction muah loving mwah love', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywrongthonk', 2, 'wrongthink hmmm thinking 1984 arrested police woke notice noticing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshark', 2, 'jaws halloween fursona furry fish costume holiday fursuit', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytinfoil', 2, 'alex jones psycho crazy schizo alexjones conspiracy', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyemojirofl', 2, 'emoji reaction rofl rotfl rolling laughing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvibing', 2, 'animated bopping vibe jam dancing headbang music rainbow dance', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyavril2', 2, 'lavigne canadian leaf beautiful hot sexy punk rocker singer musician artist girlfriend waifu love blow kiss blowkiss heart pink hair', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypass', 2, 'marseypasss queen kween foid female woman kween', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypunished2', 2, 'punished venom snake metal gear solid kojima eyepatch drama', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyturkroach', 2, 'turk turkish turkroach bug cockroach mehmet erdogan fez roach', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoypoint', 2, 'soyboy soy boy beard reaction pointing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyetika', 2, 'streamer youtuber nft psyops twitter antila trending black suicide bridge llm', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypig', 2, 'fat fursona furry hog fursuit oink', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykneel', 2, 'blm bow black lives matter chauvin supremacy respect supreme', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytwerkinit', 2, 'ass butt booty rear rump donk dance nigger sheboon clap animated cheeks', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfighter', 2, 'final fantasy video game vidya warrior melee', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseystars2', 2, 'space galaxy cosmic starsey constellation', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyforevertiedup', 2, 'fetish bondage autism rope', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2267,7 +2271,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvampire', 2, 'undead sanguine horror s
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysickos2', 2, 'hahaha ha ha ha yes onion comic pervert sicko creep window', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyspider2', 2, 'insect halloween spiderweb arachnid holiday bug', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysaluteconfederacy', 2, 'salute patriotic o7 flag confederacy confederate america south rebel civil independence johnny', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyblowkiss', 2, 'heart wink reaction muah loving mwah love', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeh', 2, 'canada canadian leafistan trudeau rake south park ', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhanger', 2, 'abortion fetus coat planned parenthood infanticide childfree murder foid', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyinvestigate', 2, 'pepe apu peepo investigate magnifying magnifier look lookup', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2281,7 +2284,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeandoge', 2, 'bean doge meme dog shib
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytroublemaker', 2, 'we do a little trolling', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycheckem', 2, 'pepe apu peepo check psycho look', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjesus2', 2, 'crucify crucifixion christianity easter persecuted religion saint martyr religious cross', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykneel', 2, 'blm bow black lives matter chauvin supremacy respect supreme', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhandmaid', 2, 'handmaid maiden dystopia theocracy sexist sexism misogyny abortion feminism', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytearsofblood', 2, 'crying sad bloody horror', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysrdine2', 2, 'can animated reaction fish knife chop sardine', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2290,7 +2292,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylove', 2, 'heart reaction adoration lo
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizosorenlove', 2, 'schizo soren love rare excited animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylovecraft2', 2, 'eldritch horror niggerman cat hp tentacle insane halloween', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyneckbeard', 2, 'mlady bodypillow dakimakura anime otaku fedora weebshit body pillow mra weeb', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvibing', 2, 'animated bopping vibe jam dancing headbang music rainbow dance', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymayoparty', 2, 'bukakke bukkake mayonaise mayonnaise cum semen jizz spunk nut sperm messy sloppy lewd facial cumshot', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybabushka', 2, 'old grandma grandmother granny babushka russia', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytears', 2, 'pout teary crying cried reaction sob eyes cry sad', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2302,7 +2303,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykiwi', 2, 'kf bird new zealand kiwifar
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyschizowave', 2, 'insane crazy mental breakdown psycho hallucinations flashbacks ptsd traumatized shaking shake animated tedsimp', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywhitemage', 2, 'magic wizard final fantasy spell video game vidya', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysaruh', 2, 'cute dress bread baguette valid trappy ts trappysaruh trans deuxrama celeb glamour train', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytwerkinit', 2, 'ass butt booty rear rump donk dance nigger sheboon clap animated cheeks', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyadmire', 2, 'pepe apu peepo blush appreciate admire flushed smitten', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyclueless', 2, 'dumb stupid hmm uhuh uh huh smug today i will todayiwill', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfbicomputer', 2, 'pepe apu fbi computer peepo glowie fed', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2316,13 +2316,14 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypinkpanther', 2, 'pink panther cartoon
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyburrito', 2, 'burrito food cozy wrap wrapped mexican uncut', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycry', 2, 'tear upset crying reaction sobbing sob tears sad', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypills', 2, 'suicide kill self kms death die pills overdose drugs pharms pharmaceuticals pop pillpopper', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeach', 2, 'beach mojito cocktail summer hat sunglasses glasses hot tan vacation relax', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoycry', 2, 'angry crying soy ', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysulk', 2, 'unlucky crying reaction depression sobbing depressed sad', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycitrus', 2, 'lemon orange citrus fruit', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybloodborne', 2, 'bloodborne marco horror vidya vampire blood', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfedpostpink', 2, 'pink cia longpost fed notes animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydramautist', 2, 'dramautist drama autist trains trans glue retard autism dramatard', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypregunta', 2, 'mexican mexico latinx hispanic confused question marks questionmarks hmm spic beaner wat what why how idgi sombrero', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeach', 2, 'beach mojito cocktail summer hat sunglasses glasses hot tan vacation relax', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanangry', 2, 'bean angry mad furious', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeerie2', 2, 'eerie contented calico', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapyshy', 2, 'capy aevann blush flushed uwu anxious shy', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2346,7 +2347,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytiny2', 2, 'tiny small shrinking pixel
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycatgirlhomofascist', 2, 'catgirl girl anthro moe detailed anime homofascist homofascism gay nazi pride lgbt fascism', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychadthundercock', 2, 'vvc virgin foid pimp hot player big dick huge cock ouch gigachad meme', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycapybigbrain', 2, 'capybara aevann smart codecel brain', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysoycry', 2, 'angry crying soy ', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyconquistador', 2, 'conquistador colonize conquer spanish shoot rifle soldier', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybeanpickle', 2, 'bean pickle rick morty tv television verysmart', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycopter', 2, 'vidya video game nintendo mario bowser float ride flying nintendo', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2383,7 +2383,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycarpdevil', 2, 'carp devil demon horns
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydukenukem', 2, 'duke nukem sunglasses chad gun pistol smoking cigar game cool', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychiobulove', 2, 'tiger best cute heart hug china chinese new year cat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyoctopus4', 2, 'octopus nrol39 bait patch globe obvious', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylolcow', 2, 'reaction trolled lulz judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymerchantsoy', 2, 'merchant jewish kike greed soy wojak soyjak yarmulke soyyell', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyparty1', 2, 'trippy animated happy dance', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyplacenofun', 2, 'place reddit rules forbidden', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2393,6 +2392,7 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypeace', 2, 'peace love hippy happy ges
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysniff', 2, 'brap huff gas reaction fart creep smell', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytigerball', 2, 'polandball ball tiger russia', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyrage', 2, 'troll anger seethe furious reaction angry mad fury', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylolcow', 2, 'reaction trolled lulz judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseymocking', 2, 'mocking spongebob meme alternating studly caps retard', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyzombiewolftrample', 2, 'kill murder mascot animated walking animated tramplewolf', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhammersnoo', 2, 'snoo redditor spez beat powermod murder kill death animated blood', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2453,12 +2453,10 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygladiator', 2, 'gladiator rome ancient
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywhelmed', 2, 'whelmed smoke smoking cig cigarette meme overwhelmed underwhelmed', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhibernian', 2, 'hibernian irish leprechaun blarney guinness shamrock clover luck merchant papist ira hat', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytucker', 2, 'tucker carlsen fox rightoid conservative republican television tv', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhmm', 2, 'confused reaction thinking thunk thonk judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysquished', 2, 'squishing compressed compression finger press squashed', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydmx', 2, 'rapper pitbull pit bull pibble dog nigger black', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybye', 2, 'farewell cya l8r wave reaction waving animated so long', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydogwalker', 2, 'doreen antiwork walking powermod moderator', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshrug', 2, 'hands up idk ig idc dunno i guess', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseybongojanny', 2, 'troll clean it up janitor moderator jslur jannie admins abuse beat drums drumming mop animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytrad', 2, 'dramarama dress foid tradwife floral girl', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydetective', 2, 'holmes sherlock magnifying glass bowtie', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2468,18 +2466,24 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseylongpost2', 2, 'tldr reaction wall of
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyvietnam', 2, 'army born to kill soldier war', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsoy', 2, 'soyboy soybeard nintendo gamer switch marsey gaymer pointing', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyxoxo', 2, 'hearts wave flirt loving love animated kiss', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysingapore', 2, 'singaporean asian azn flag merlion chiobu', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygiveup', 2, 'despair reaction depression miserable fall over depressed falling over animated sad', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyoctopus2', 2, 'consume product epic win communities no bait too obvious globe patch', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseykaiser', 2, 'prussian history wwi rifle reich wilhelm germany soldier', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseytank', 2, 'military ussr ccp communist authleft tank army communism china soviet', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey420', 2, 'marijuana weed dude weed lmao ganja drugs pot reggae joint jamaican', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydynamite', 2, 'dynomite black afro gun', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygunshotsuicide', 2, 'gun shoot suicide sad depressed animated dead death kms gunshot die suicidal', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycomrade', 2, 'marxist ussr ccp communist authleft communism juche soviet kgb idio3 idio', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyhmm', 2, 'confused reaction thinking thunk thonk judgment', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyeggless', 2, 'postwall foid woman barren menopause old hag childfree fds', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyspy', 2, 'spy agent shill glowie russia china', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysigh', 2, 'breathe give up giveup reaction depression breathing depressed animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyshrug', 2, 'hands up idk ig idc dunno i guess', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfunko', 2, 'action figure doll funko toy soy', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyikes', 2, 'reaction judgment disgust oof cringe', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyjanny2', 2, 'jannie unpaid volunteer administrator janitor free moderator', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseynightmare', 2, 'striped sweater freddy freddie horror halloween krueger holiday claws monster', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygunshotsuicide', 2, 'gun shoot suicide sad depressed animated dead death kms gunshot die suicidal', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseygunsuicide', 2, 'shotgun kill death die gunshot windy kms animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseycwc', 2, 'sonichu chan chris chan chandler sweater chrischan medallion striped chris', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypartyxmas', 2, 'christmas holiday santa hat beard rainbow animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2487,17 +2491,14 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysick', 2, 'puke nausea green face vomi
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychingchong', 2, 'racist asian chinese chinx chink gook japanese vietnamese rice farmer nip racist paddy teeth hat china', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marsey666black', 2, 'wings hell halloween demon satan holiday devil animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyliquidator', 2, 'gas mask horror exterminator halloween plague doctor holiday scary nuclear chernobyl suit mask radiation radioactive', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyikes', 2, 'reaction judgment disgust oof cringe', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyfart', 2, 'brap gas flatulent flatulence farting braphog toot animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyelliotrodger2', 2, 'saint er rodgers rogers shooter killer incel hapa little king azn asian supremegentleman supreme gentleman', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysingapore', 2, 'singaporean asian azn flag merlion chiobu', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywatermark', 2, 'copyright theft stealing stolen creation', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyraging', 2, 'rage angry mad fury animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywords', 2, 'longpost too long tldr reaction wordswordswords', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseypipebomb', 2, 'explosion explosive terrorist boom', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('mersya', 2, 'the best adorable aww marsey favorite cute', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseychefkiss', 2, 'perfect', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyoctopus2', 2, 'consume product epic win communities no bait too obvious globe patch', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysad', 2, 'concerned worried waiting prepared reaction', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyflamethrower', 2, 'vietname soldier fire', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyyawn', 2, 'zzz boring tired sleepy bored', 0, NULL, NULL);
@ -2508,7 +2509,6 @@ INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydaemon', 2, 'pitchfork hell halloween
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywagie', 2, 'crypto rightoid ancap poor wagecuck mcdonalds maccas reaction', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseyscared', 2, 'hide halloween afraid nervous holiday traumatized fearful', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydisgust', 2, 'pissed gross eww angry mad disturbing disturbed yuck', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseysigh', 2, 'breathe give up giveup reaction depression breathing depressed animated', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseywholesome', 2, 'seal award reddit tene', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydinosaur', 2, 'fursuit furry scalie scaly reptile happy extinct costume', 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.marseys VALUES ('marseydose', 2, 'doctor daily dose dailydose animated jump bounce', 0, NULL, NULL);
Reference in New Issue