/** * Represents a comment from the r/Drama platform, containing details about the comment's author, * content, status, and other metadata. * @typedef {Object} Comment * @property {number} author_id - The unique identifier for the author of the comment. * @property {string} author_name - The display name of the author. * @property {string} body - The raw text content of the comment. * @property {string} body_html - The HTML-rendered version of the comment text. * @property {number} created_utc - The UTC timestamp when the comment was created. * @property {number} deleted_utc - The UTC timestamp when the comment was deleted, if applicable. * @property {boolean} distinguished - Flag indicating if the comment is distinguished by the platform (e.g., admin posts). * @property {number} downvotes - The number of downvotes the comment has received. * @property {number} edited_utc - The UTC timestamp when the comment was last edited, if ever. * @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the comment. * @property {boolean} is_banned - Flag indicating if the author was banned at the time of the comment. * @property {boolean} is_bot - Flag indicating if the comment was made by a bot. * @property {boolean} is_nsfw - Flag indicating if the comment is marked as NSFW (Not Safe For Work). * @property {number} level - The nesting level of the comment in the conversation thread. * @property {string} permalink - The permanent link to the comment. * @property {string} pinned - The name of the user who pinned the comment, if any. * @property {number} post_id - The unique identifier of the post to which the comment belongs. * @property {number[]} replies - An array of comment IDs representing the direct replies to this comment. * @property {Record} reports - An object containing any reports made on the comment. * @property {number} score - The total score of the comment (upvotes - downvotes). * @property {number} upvotes - The number of upvotes the comment has received. */ export type Comment = { author_id: number; author_name: string; body: string; body_html: string; created_utc: number; deleted_utc: number; distinguished: boolean; downvotes: number; edited_utc: number; id: number; is_banned: boolean; is_bot: boolean; is_nsfw: boolean; level: number; permalink: string; pinned: string | null; parent_comment_id?: number | null; post_id: number; replies: number[]; reports: Record; score: number; upvotes: number; };