from io import BytesIO import tweepy from automeme import TextLine, get_rdrama, strip_markdown import utils import json from meme_generator import get_image_file_from_url def load_key_from_file(filename : str) -> str: with open(utils.get_real_filename(filename), "r") as f: return consumer_key = load_key_from_file("twitter_api_key") consumer_secret = load_key_from_file("twitter_api_secret") access_token = load_key_from_file("twitter_access_token") access_token_secret = load_key_from_file("twitter_access_token_secret") auth = tweepy.OAuth1UserHandler( consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret ) api = tweepy.API(auth) rdrama = get_rdrama() for comment in rdrama.get_comments(user = "automeme", sort = "top", t="day")['data']: if "Darrell Brooks" not in comment['body'] and "twitter" not in comment['body']: best = comment break print(json.dumps(best, indent=4)) comment_text = best['body'] cleaned_comment_text = strip_markdown(comment_text) comment_lines = cleaned_comment_text.split("\n") comment_lines = [comment_line for comment_line in comment_lines if comment_line != ""] element_lines = [TextLine(line) for line in comment_lines] for i in element_lines: print(i) image = element_lines[-1].images[0] print(image.url) animated_image = get_image_file_from_url(image.url) file = BytesIO(initial_bytes=animated_image.get_binary_gif()) media = api.media_upload(filename = "foo.gif", file=file, chunked=True, wait_for_async_finalize = True) media_id = media.media_id_string api.update_status("#meme", media_ids=[media_id])