import time import requests ''' Wrapper around the RDRama API ''' class RDramaAPIInterface: def __init__(self, authorization_token, site, sleep : float, https: bool = True) -> None: self.headers={"Authorization": authorization_token} = site self.protocol = "https" if https else "http" self.sleep = sleep def make_post(self, title, submission_url, body): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/submit" return, data={'title' : title, 'url': submission_url, 'body': body}) ''' Sends a message to a user. ''' def send_message(self, username, message): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/@{username}/message" return, data={'message':message}) ''' Replies to the comment with the given id. ''' def reply_to_comment(self,parent_fullname, parent_submission, message): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/comment" return, data={ 'parent_fullname':parent_fullname, 'submission': parent_submission, "body": message }) ''' Replies to the comment with the given id. ''' def reply_to_comment_easy(self,comment_id, parent_submission, message): return self.reply_to_comment(f"t3_{comment_id}", parent_submission, message) ''' Gets "all" comments. TODO: Probably need to add pagination support if I want to actually use this ''' def get_comments(self): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/comments" return self.get(url) ''' Calls the notifications endpoint ''' def get_notifications(self, page : int): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/notifications?page={page}" return self.get(url) def reply_to_direct_message(self, message_id : int, message : str): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/reply" return, data = { 'parent_id' : message_id, 'body': message }, allowed_failures=[500]) #There is a bug (probably) with the site that causes 500 errors to be sent when doing this via json. TODO: Ask Aevann why def get_comment(self, id): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/comment/{id}" return self.get(url) def has_url_been_posted(self, the_url): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/is_repost" return, {'url': the_url})['permalink'] != '' ''' I have no clue what this is supposed to do, lol. ''' def clear_notifications(self): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/clear" return, headers=self.headers) def give_coins(self, user, amount): url=f"{self.protocol}://{}/@{user}/transfer_coins" return, data={'amount':amount}) def get(self, url, allowed_failures = []): print(f"[rdrama_api] sleeping for {self.sleep}") time.sleep(self.sleep) print(f"[rdrama_api] Awake") response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) print(f"GET {url} ({response.status_code}) {response.json()}") if (response.status_code != 200 and response.status_code not in allowed_failures): raise BaseException(f"GET {url} ({response.status_code}) {response.json()}") else: return response.json() def post(self, url, data, allowed_failures = []): print(f"[rdrama_api] sleeping for {self.sleep}") time.sleep(self.sleep) print(f"[rdrama_api] Awake") response =, headers=self.headers, data=data) print(f"POST {url} ({response.status_code}) {data} => {response.json()}") if (response.status_code != 200 and response.status_code not in allowed_failures): raise BaseException(f"POST {url} ({response.status_code}) {data} => {response.json()}") else: return response.json()