# BibleBot Written by GeneralHurricane and GPT-CHAT (any errors are the fault of GPT-CHAT) ## Info BibleBot regularly scans posts and comments for things that look like Bible refences `(?P\w*?)? *(?P[a-zA-Z]+?)\s?(?P\d{1,3})(?::(?P\d{1,3})(?:-(?P\d{1,3})?)?)`, then supplies them from the MariaDb container. It supports World English Bible by default, but has options for KJV, ASV, and a few more public domain translations. ## Setup BibleBot relies on [scrollmapper/bible_databases](https://github.com/scrollmapper/bible_databases.git) for references. Download the databases with: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` Ensure Docker and docker-compose are installed Create a file called `.env` and add the following to it: ``` RDRAMA_API_TOKEN= RDRAMA_URL=https://rdrama.net MARIADB_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes MARIADB_USER=admin MARIADB_PASSWORD=mysafeadminpassword MARIADB_DATABASE=bible BIBLEDB_HOST=bibledb BIBLEBOT_ID= PUSHBULLET_KEY= PUSHBULLET_DEVICE_ID= ``` Fill in your `RDRAMA_API_TOKEN` and `BIBLEBOT_ID`. You can change the user and password for the MARIADB - both containers will pick up the same config. Optionally add a Pushbullet key and device ID if you want to get a notification when BibleBot inevitably crashes. It sorta uses backoff and retry on failed API calls, but not enough really. Feel free to open a PR!