{% extends "settings.html" %} {% block pagetitle %}Advanced Settings{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{# toggle_section(title, id, name, flag, below_text) #}
{# note: not using the thing from common just because of how much stuff there is in here #}
Poor Mode
Makes the site faster for low-end devices:
  • Disables the effects of cosmetic awards.
  • Makes emoji search only start when you press Enter.
  • Hides signatures.
  • Limits frontpage size to 25 posts.
Sorting and Filtering

Change how many posts appear on every page.

Change the default sorting for comments.

Change the default sorting for posts.

Change the default time filter for posts.

Tab Behavior
{{common.toggle_section("Open Internal Links in New Tabs", "newtab", "newtab", v.newtab, "Enable if you would like to automatically open links to other pages on the site in new tabs.", false)}} {{common.toggle_section("Open External Links in New Tabs", "newtabexternal", "newtabexternal", v.newtabexternal, "Enable if you would like to automatically open links to other sites in new tabs.", false)}}
External Services
{{common.toggle_section("Use imgsed for Instagram Links", "imgsed", "imgsed", v.imgsed, "Enable if you would like to automatically convert instagram.com links to imgsed.com links.", false)}}

Change the domain you would like to view reddit posts in.

{{common.toggle_section("Sort Reddit Links by Controversial", "controversial", "controversial", v.controversial, "Enable if you would like to automatically sort reddit.com links by controversial.", false)}}
Content Filters
{{common.toggle_section('User Signatures', 'show_sigs', 'show_sigs', v.show_sigs, 'Show user signatures.', false)}} {% if FEATURES['NSFW_MARKING'] %} {{common.toggle_section('NSFW Warnings', 'nsfw_warnings', 'nsfw_warnings', v.nsfw_warnings, "Show a warning when viewing NSFW posts and collapse NSFW comments.", false)}} {% endif %} {% if SITE_NAME != 'rDrama' %} {{common.toggle_section('Hide Posts Voted On', 'hidevotedon', 'hidevotedon', v.hidevotedon, 'Enable if you would like to automatically hide posts you have voted on from your frontpage.', false)}} {% endif %}
Hides matching posts from the frontpage and collapses matching comments. Use a new line for each filter entry. Limit of 1000 characters.
RSS Feed

Subscribe to the {{SITE_NAME}} RSS feed.

You can change the feed by replacing "hot" with whatever sorting you want and "all" with whatever time filter you want.
{% endblock %}