import atexit import time import uuid from hashlib import md5 from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, leave_room from flask import request from files.helpers.actions import * from files.helpers.alerts import * from files.helpers.config.const import * from files.helpers.slurs_and_profanities import censor_slurs_profanities from files.helpers.regex import * from import * from files.helpers.sanitize import * from files.helpers.alerts import push_notif from files.helpers.can_see import * from files.routes.wrappers import * from files.classes.orgy import * from files.classes.private_chats import * from files.__main__ import app, cache, limiter from engineio.payload import Payload Payload.max_decode_packets = 50 socketio = SocketIO( app, async_mode='gevent', max_http_buffer_size=8388608, #for images ) muted = cache.get(f'muted') or {} messages = cache.get(f'messages') or {} online = { "chat": {}, "messages": set() } typing = { "chat": [] } cache.set('loggedin_chat', len(online["chat"]), timeout=86400) def auth_required_socketio(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): v = get_logged_in_user() if not v or v.is_permabanned: return '' return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs)) wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ return wrapper def is_not_banned_socketio(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): v = get_logged_in_user() if not v or v.is_suspended: return '' return make_response(f(*args, v=v, **kwargs)) wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ return wrapper CHAT_ERROR_MESSAGE = f"To prevent spam, you'll need {TRUESCORE_MINIMUM} truescore (this is {TRUESCORE_MINIMUM} votes, either up or down, on any threads or comments you've made) in order to access chat. Sorry! I love you 💖"'/refresh_chat') def refresh_chat(): emit('refresh_chat', namespace='/', to="chat") return '' @app.get("/chat/") def chat_redirect(): return redirect("/chat") @app.get("/chat") @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def chat(v): if not v.allowed_in_chat: abort(403, CHAT_ERROR_MESSAGE) displayed_messages = {k: val for k, val in messages.items() if val["user_id"] not in v.userblocks} orgy = get_running_orgy(v) if orgy: x = secrets.token_urlsafe(8) orgies = g.db.query(Orgy).order_by(Orgy.start_utc).all() return render_template("orgy.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages, orgy=orgy, x=x, orgies=orgies) return render_template("chat.html", v=v, messages=displayed_messages) @socketio.on('speak') @is_not_banned_socketio def speak(data, v): if request.referrer.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/chat/'): chat_id = int(data['chat_id']) chat = g.db.get(Chat, chat_id) if not chat: abort(404, "Chat not found!") is_member = g.db.query(ChatMembership.user_id).filter_by(, chat_id=chat_id).one_or_none() if not is_member: return '' image = None if data['file']: name = f'/chat_images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp' with open(name, 'wb') as f: f.write(data['file']) image = process_image(name, v) text = data['message'].strip()[:CHAT_LENGTH_LIMIT] if image: text += f'\n\n{image}' if not text: return '' text_html = sanitize(text, count_emojis=True, chat=True) if isinstance(text_html , tuple): return '' execute_under_siege(v, None, text, "private chat") quotes = data['quotes'] if quotes: quotes = int(quotes) else: quotes = None chat_message = ChatMessage(, chat_id=chat_id, quotes=quotes, text=text, text_censored=censor_slurs_profanities(text, 'chat', True), text_html=text_html, text_html_censored=censor_slurs_profanities(text_html, 'chat'), ) g.db.add(chat_message) g.db.flush() if == chat.owner_id and chat_adding_regex.fullmatch(text): user = get_user(text[2:], graceful=True, attributes=[]) if user: user_id = existing = g.db.query(ChatMembership.user_id).filter_by(user_id=user_id, chat_id=chat_id).one_or_none() leave = g.db.query(ChatLeave.user_id).filter_by(user_id=user_id, chat_id=chat_id).one_or_none() if not existing and not leave: chat_membership = ChatMembership(, chat_id=chat_id, ) g.db.add(chat_membership) g.db.flush() to_notify = [x[0] for x in g.db.query(ChatMembership.user_id).filter( ChatMembership.chat_id == chat_id, ChatMembership.user_id.notin_(online[request.referrer]), )] for uid in to_notify: n = ChatNotification( user_id=uid,, chat_id=chat_id, ) g.db.add(n) data = { "id":, "quotes": chat_message.quotes, "hat": chat_message.hat, "user_id": chat_message.user_id, "username": chat_message.username, "namecolor": chat_message.namecolor, "patron": chat_message.patron, "pride_username": chat_message.pride_username, "text": chat_message.text, "text_censored": chat_message.text_censored, "text_html": chat_message.text_html, "text_html_censored": chat_message.text_html_censored, "created_utc": chat_message.created_utc, } if v.shadowbanned or execute_blackjack(v, None, text, "chat"): emit('speak', data) else: emit('speak', data, room=request.referrer, broadcast=True) try: g.db.commit() except: g.db.rollback() g.db.close() stdout.flush() return '' if not v.allowed_in_chat: return '' image = None if data['file']: name = f'/chat_images/{time.time()}'.replace('.','') + '.webp' with open(name, 'wb') as f: f.write(data['file']) image = process_image(name, v) global messages text = data['message'].strip()[:CHAT_LENGTH_LIMIT] if image: text += f'\n\n{image}' if not text: return '' text_html = sanitize(text, count_emojis=True, chat=True) if isinstance(text_html , tuple): return '' execute_under_siege(v, None, text, "chat") quotes = data['quotes'] id = secrets.token_urlsafe(5) self_only = False vname = v.username.lower() if vname in muted: if time.time() < muted[vname]: self_only = True else: del muted[vname] refresh_online("chat") if SITE == '' and v.admin_level < PERMS['BYPASS_ANTISPAM_CHECKS']: def shut_up(): self_only = True muted_until = int(time.time() + 600) muted[vname] = muted_until refresh_online("chat") if not self_only: identical = [x for x in list(messages.values())[-5:] if == x['user_id'] and text == x['text']] if len(identical) >= 3: shut_up() if not self_only: count = len([x for x in list(messages.values())[-12:] if == x['user_id']]) if count >= 10: shut_up() if not self_only: count = len([x for x in list(messages.values())[-25:] if == x['user_id']]) if count >= 20: shut_up() data = { "id": id, "quotes": quotes if messages.get(quotes) else '', "hat": v.hat_active(None)[0], "user_id":, "username": v.username, "namecolor": v.name_color, "patron": v.patron, "pride_username": bool(v.has_badge(303)), "text": text, "text_censored": censor_slurs_profanities(text, 'chat', True), "text_html": text_html, "text_html_censored": censor_slurs_profanities(text_html, 'chat'), "created_utc": int(time.time()), } if v.admin_level >= PERMS['USER_BAN']: text = text.lower() for i in mute_regex.finditer(text): username = muted_until = int(int( * 60 + time.time()) muted[username] = muted_until refresh_online("chat") if self_only or v.shadowbanned or execute_blackjack(v, None, text, "chat"): emit('speak', data) else: emit('speak', data, room="chat", broadcast=True) messages[id] = data messages = dict(list(messages.items())[-250:]) typing["chat"] = [] return '' def refresh_online(room): for k, val in list(online[room].items()): if time.time() > val[0]: del online[room][k] if val[1] in typing[room]: typing[room].remove(val[1]) data = [list(online[room].values()), muted] emit("online", data, room=room, broadcast=True) cache.set('loggedin_chat', len(online[room]), timeout=86400) @socketio.on('connect') @auth_required_socketio def connect(v): if request.referrer == f'{SITE_FULL}/notifications/messages': join_room( online["messages"].add( return '' if request.referrer and request.referrer.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/chat/'): room = request.referrer else: room = "chat" join_room(room) if not typing.get(room): typing[room] = [] if v.username in typing.get(room): typing[room].remove(v.username) emit('typing', typing[room], room=room) return '' @socketio.on('disconnect') @auth_required_socketio def disconnect(v): if request.referrer == f'{SITE_FULL}/notifications/messages': leave_room( online["messages"].remove( return '' if request.referrer and request.referrer.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/chat/'): room = request.referrer else: room = "chat" online[room].pop(, None) if v.username in typing[room]: typing[room].remove(v.username) leave_room(room) refresh_online(room) return '' @socketio.on('heartbeat') @auth_required_socketio def heartbeat(v): if request.referrer and request.referrer.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/chat/'): room = request.referrer else: room = "chat" if not online.get(room): online[room] = {} expire_utc = int(time.time()) + 3610 already_there = online[room].get( online[room][] = (expire_utc, v.username, v.name_color, v.patron,, bool(v.has_badge(303))) if not already_there: refresh_online(room) return '' @socketio.on('typing') @is_not_banned_socketio def typing_indicator(data, v): if request.referrer and request.referrer.startswith(f'{SITE_FULL}/chat/'): room = request.referrer else: room = "chat" if not typing.get(room): typing[room] = [] if data and v.username not in typing[room]: typing[room].append(v.username) elif not data and v.username in typing[room]: typing[room].remove(v.username) emit('typing', typing[room], room=room, broadcast=True) return '' @socketio.on('delete') @admin_level_required(PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']) def delete(id, v): messages.pop(id, None) emit('delete', id, room="chat", broadcast=True) return '' def close_running_threads(): cache.set('messages', messages, timeout=86400) cache.set('muted', muted, timeout=86400) atexit.register(close_running_threads)"/reply") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit("6/minute;50/hour;200/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit("6/minute;50/hour;200/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def messagereply(v): body = request.values.get("body", "").strip() if len(body) > COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT: abort(400, f'Message is too long (max {COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT} characters)') id = request.values.get("parent_id") parent = get_comment(id, v=v) if parent.parent_post or parent.wall_user_id: abort(403, "You can only reply to messages!") user_id = if v.is_permabanned and parent.sentto != MODMAIL_ID: abort(403, "You are permabanned and may not reply to messages!") elif v.is_muted and parent.sentto == MODMAIL_ID: abort(403, "You are muted!") if parent.sentto == MODMAIL_ID: user_id = None elif == user_id: user_id = parent.sentto user = None if user_id: user = get_account(user_id, v=v, include_blocks=True) if hasattr(user, 'is_blocking') and user.is_blocking: abort(403, f"You're blocking @{user.username}") elif (v.admin_level <= PERMS['MESSAGE_BLOCKED_USERS'] and hasattr(user, 'is_blocked') and user.is_blocked): abort(403, f"You're blocked by @{user.username}") if user.has_muted(v): abort(403, f"@{user.username} is muting notifications from you, so messaging them is pointless!") if not g.is_tor and get_setting("dm_media"): body = process_files(request.files, v, body, is_dm=True, dm_user=user) if len(body) > COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT: abort(400, f'Message is too long (max {COMMENT_BODY_LENGTH_LIMIT} characters)') if not body: abort(400, "Message is empty!") body_html = sanitize(body) if len(body_html) > COMMENT_BODY_HTML_LENGTH_LIMIT: abort(400, "Rendered message is too long!") if parent.sentto == MODMAIL_ID: sentto = MODMAIL_ID else: sentto = user_id c = Comment(, parent_post=None, parent_comment_id=id, top_comment_id=parent.top_comment_id, level=parent.level + 1, sentto=sentto, body=body, body_html=body_html, ) g.db.add(c) g.db.flush() execute_blackjack(v, c, c.body_html, 'message') execute_under_siege(v, c, c.body_html, 'message') if user_id and user_id not in {, MODMAIL_ID} | BOT_IDs and user_id not in online["messages"]: if can_see(user, v): notif = g.db.query(Notification).filter_by(, user_id=user_id).one_or_none() if not notif: notif = Notification(, user_id=user_id) g.db.add(notif) title = f'New message from @{c.author_name}' url = f'{SITE_FULL}/notifications/messages' push_notif({user_id}, title, body, url) top_comment = c.top_comment if top_comment.sentto == MODMAIL_ID: if != and < PERMS['VIEW_MODMAIL']: notif = Notification(, g.db.add(notif) elif user_id and user_id not in {, MODMAIL_ID} | BOT_IDs: c.unread = True rendered = render_template("comments.html", v=get_account(user_id), comments=[c]) emit('insert_reply', [, rendered], namespace='/', to=user_id) return {"comment": render_template("comments.html", v=v, comments=[c])}