from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from files.__main__ import Base from os import environ site_name = environ.get("SITE_NAME").strip() if site_name == "Drama": AWARDS = { "ban": { "kind": "ban", "title": "One-Day Ban", "description": "Bans the author for a day.", "icon": "fas fa-gavel", "color": "text-danger", "price": 5000 }, "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "Shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "price": 1000 }, "stars": { "kind": "stars", "title": "Stars", "description": "Puts stars on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "price": 1000 } } else: AWARDS = { "shit": { "kind": "shit", "title": "shit", "description": "Makes flies swarm a post.", "icon": "fas fa-poop", "color": "text-black-50", "price": 1000 }, "stars": { "kind": "stars", "title": "Stars", "description": "Puts stars on the post.", "icon": "fas fa-sparkles", "color": "text-warning", "price": 1000 } } class AwardRelationship(Base): __tablename__ = "award_relationships" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) submission_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), default=None) comment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), default=None) kind = Column(String(20)) user = relationship("User", primaryjoin="", lazy="joined", viewonly=True) post = relationship("Submission", primaryjoin="", lazy="joined", viewonly=True) comment = relationship("Comment", primaryjoin="", lazy="joined", viewonly=True) @property @lazy def given(self): return bool(self.submission_id) or bool(self.comment_id) @property @lazy def type(self): return AWARDS[self.kind] @property @lazy def title(self): return self.type['title'] @property @lazy def class_list(self): return self.type['icon']+' '+self.type['color']