from flask import g from files.classes.reports import Report, CommentReport from files.classes.mod_logs import ModAction from files.classes.hole_logs import HoleAction from files.helpers.actions import * from files.helpers.alerts import * from files.helpers.get import * from files.helpers.sanitize import filter_emojis_only from files.routes.front import frontlist from files.routes.wrappers import * from files.__main__ import app, limiter, cache"/report/post/") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def report_post(pid, v): post = get_post(pid) reason = request.values.get("reason", "").strip() execute_under_siege(v, post, reason, 'report') execute_blackjack(v, post, reason, 'report') if len(reason) > 100: abort(400, "Report reason is too long (max 100 characters)") og_flair = reason[1:] reason_html = filter_emojis_only(reason) if len(reason_html) > 350: abort(400, "Report reason too long!") if reason.startswith('!') and (v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] or post.hole and v.mods_hole(post.hole)): post.flair = reason_html[1:] g.db.add(post) if v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']: ma=ModAction( kind="flair_post",,, _note=f'"{post.flair}"' ) g.db.add(ma) position = 'a site admin' else: ma = HoleAction( hole=post.hole, kind="flair_post",,, _note=f'"{post.flair}"' ) g.db.add(ma) position = f'a /h/{post.hole} mod' if != post.author_id: message = f'@{v.username} ({position}) has flaired [{post.title}]({post.shortlink}) with the flair: `"{og_flair}"`' send_repeatable_notification(post.author_id, message) return {"message": "Post flaired successfully!"} moved = move_post(post, v, reason) if moved: return {"message": moved} if v.is_muted: abort(403, "You are forbidden from making reports!") existing = g.db.query(Report.post_id).filter_by(, if existing: abort(409, "You already reported this post!") report = Report(,, reason=reason_html) g.db.add(report) if != post.author_id and not and not message = f'@{v.username} reported [{post.title}]({post.shortlink})\n\n> {reason}' send_repeatable_notification(post.author_id, message) return {"message": "Post reported!"}"/report/comment/") @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit(DEFAULT_RATELIMIT, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @auth_required def report_comment(cid, v): if v.is_muted: abort(403, "You are forbidden from making reports!") comment = get_comment(cid) existing = g.db.query(CommentReport.comment_id).filter_by(, if existing: abort(409, "You already reported this comment!") reason = request.values.get("reason", "").strip() execute_under_siege(v, comment, reason, 'report') execute_blackjack(v, comment, reason, 'report') if len(reason) > 100: abort(400, "Report reason is too long (max 100 characters)") reason_html = filter_emojis_only(reason) if len(reason_html) > 350: abort(400, "Too long!") report = CommentReport(,, reason=reason_html) g.db.add(report) if != comment.author_id and not and not message = f'@{v.username} reported your [comment]({comment.shortlink})\n\n> {reason}' send_repeatable_notification(comment.author_id, message) return {"message": "Comment reported!"}'/del_report/post//') @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit("100/minute;300/hour;2000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit("100/minute;300/hour;2000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @admin_level_required(PERMS['REPORTS_REMOVE']) def remove_report_post(v, pid, uid): report = g.db.query(Report).filter_by(post_id=pid, user_id=uid).one_or_none() if report: g.db.delete(report) ma=ModAction( kind="delete_report",, target_post_id=pid ) g.db.add(ma) return {"message": "Report removed successfully!"}'/del_report/comment//') @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath) @limiter.limit('1/second', scope=rpath, key_func=get_ID) @limiter.limit("100/minute;300/hour;2000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400) @limiter.limit("100/minute;300/hour;2000/day", deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code < 400, key_func=get_ID) @admin_level_required(PERMS['REPORTS_REMOVE']) def remove_report_comment(v, cid, uid): report = g.db.query(CommentReport).filter_by(comment_id=cid, user_id=uid).one_or_none() if report: g.db.delete(report) ma=ModAction( kind="delete_report",, target_comment_id=cid ) g.db.add(ma) return {"message": "Report removed successfully!"} def move_post(post, v, reason): if not reason.startswith('/h/') and not reason.startswith('h/'): return False if post.ghost: abort(403, "You can't move ghost posts into holes!") hole_from = post.hole hole_to = get_hole(reason, graceful=True) hole_to = if hole_to else None can_move_post = v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION'] or (post.hole and v.mods_hole(hole_from)) if hole_from != 'chudrama': # posts can only be moved out of /h/chudrama by admins can_move_post = can_move_post or post.author_id == if not can_move_post: return False if hole_to == None: if HOLE_REQUIRED: abort(403, "All posts are required to be flaired!") hole_to_in_notif = 'the main feed' else: hole_to_in_notif = f'/h/{hole_to}' if hole_from == hole_to: abort(409, f"Post is already in {hole_to_in_notif}") if abort(403, f"User is exiled from this hole!") if hole_to == 'changelog': abort(403, "/h/changelog is archived!") if hole_to in {'furry','vampire','racist','femboy','edgy'} and not v.client and not if == post.author_id: abort(403, f"You need to be a member of House {hole_to.capitalize()} to post in /h/{hole_to}") else: abort(403, f"@{post.author_name} needs to be a member of House {hole_to.capitalize()} for their post to be moved to /h/{hole_to}") post.hole = hole_to post.hole_pinned = None if hole_to == 'chudrama': post.bannedfor = None post.chuddedfor = None for c in post.comments: c.bannedfor = None c.chuddedfor = None g.db.add(c) g.db.add(post) if != post.author_id: hole_from_str = 'main feed' if hole_from is None else \ f'/h/{hole_from}' hole_to_str = 'main feed' if hole_to is None else \ f'/h/{hole_to}' if v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']: ma = ModAction( kind='move_hole',,, _note=f'{hole_from_str} → {hole_to_str}', ) g.db.add(ma) else: ma = HoleAction( hole=hole_from, kind='move_hole',,, _note=f'{hole_from_str} → {hole_to_str}', ) g.db.add(ma) if v.admin_level >= PERMS['POST_COMMENT_MODERATION']: position = 'a site admin' else: position = f'a /h/{hole_from} mod' if hole_from == None: hole_from_in_notif = 'the main feed' else: hole_from_in_notif = f'/h/{hole_from}' message = f"@{v.username} ({position}) has moved [{post.title}]({post.shortlink}) from {hole_from_in_notif} to {hole_to_in_notif}" send_repeatable_notification(post.author_id, message) cache.delete_memoized(frontlist) return f"Post moved to {hole_to_in_notif} successfully!"