forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0

fix "match the requested format"

justcool393 2022-11-07 04:56:07 -06:00
parent 685cc0b713
commit a18c3cea20
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -169,11 +169,11 @@
{{common.color_section('namecolor', '/settings/namecolor', 'namecolor', 'Name Color', v.name_color)}}
{{common.line_text_section('pronouns', '/settings/pronouns_change', 'pronouns', 'Pronouns', v.pronouns, '{2-5 characters} / {2-5 characters}', 'Enter pronouns here', 'Change Pronouns', false, 3, 11, '([a-zA-Z]{1,5})/[a-zA-Z]{1,5}(/[a-zA-Z]{1,5})?', FEATURES['PRONOUNS'])}}
{# common.line_text_section(id, form_action, form_name, section_title, contents, below_text, placeholder_text, button_text, show_marseys, minlength, maxlength, pattern, show_if) #}
{{common.line_text_section('flair', '/settings/title_change', 'custom-flair', 'Flair', v.customtitleplain, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter a flair here', 'Change Flair', true, 0, 100, '', true)}}
{{common.line_text_section('flair', '/settings/title_change', 'custom-flair', 'Flair', v.customtitleplain, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter a flair here', 'Change Flair', true, 0, 100, '.*', true)}}
{{common.color_section('flaircolor', '/settings/titlecolor', 'titlecolor', 'Flair Color', v.titlecolor)}}
{% if v.verified %}
{{common.color_section('verifiedcolor', '/settings/verifiedcolor', 'verifiedcolor', 'Checkmark Color', v.verifiedcolor)}}
{{common.line_text_section('checkmark_text', '/settings/checkmark_text', 'checkmark-text', 'Checkmark Text', v.verified, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter checkmark hover text here', 'Change Text', false, 0, 100, '', v.verified)}}
{{common.line_text_section('checkmark_text', '/settings/checkmark_text', 'checkmark-text', 'Checkmark Text', v.verified, 'Limit of 100 characters', 'Enter checkmark hover text here', 'Change Text', false, 0, 100, '.*', v.verified)}}
{% endif %}
<div class="d-lg-flex border-bottom">