forked from rDrama/rDrama
Fork 0
Aevann1 2021-10-16 11:32:50 +02:00
commit 8ca9cade76
2 changed files with 478 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -130,7 +130,126 @@ SLURS = {
"uss liberty incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"USS Liberty Incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"USS Liberty incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"USS Liberty Incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"uss Liberty incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"uss liberty Incident":"tragic accident aboard the USS Liberty",
"lavon affair":"Lavon Misunderstanding",
"Lavon affair":"Lavon Misunderstanding",
"Lavon Affair":"Lavon Misunderstanding",
"lavon Affair":"Lavon Misunderstanding",
"shylock":"Israeli friend",
"Shylock":"Israeli friend",
"yid":"Israeli friend",
"Yid":"Israeli friend",
"heeb":"Israeli friend",
"Heeb":"Israeli friend",
"sheeny":"Israeli friend",
"Sheeny":"Israeli friend",
"sheenies":"Israeli friends",
"Sheenies":"Israeli friends",
"hymie":"Israeli friend",
"Hymie":"Israeli friend",
"allah":"Allah (SWT)",
"Allah":"Allah (SWT)",
"Mohammad":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"Muhammad":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"Mohammed":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"Muhammed":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"mohammad":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"mohammed":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"muhammad":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"muhammed":"Mohammad (PBUH)",
"i hate marsey":"i love marsey",
"I hate Marsey":"I love Marsey",
"I hate marsey":"I love Marsey",
"Billie Eilish":"Billie Eilish (fat cow)",
"billie eilish":"bilie eilish (fat cow)",
"dancing Israelis":"I love Israel",
"dancing israelis":"i love israel",
"Dancing Israelis":"I love Israel",
"sodomite":"total dreamboat",
"Sodomite":"Total dreamboat",
"pajeet":"sexy Indian dude",
"Pajeet":"Sexy Indian dude",
"female":"birthing person",
"FEMALE":"birthing person",
"anime":"p-dophilic japanese cartoons",
"Anime":"P-dophilic Japanese cartoons",
"holohoax":"I tried to claim the Holocaust didn't happen because I am a pencil-dicked imbecile and the word filter caught me lol",
"Holohoax":"I tried to claim the Holocaust didn't happen because I am a pencil-dicked imbecile and the word filter caught me lol",
"HOLOHOAX":"I tried to claim the Holocaust didn't happen because I am a pencil-dicked imbecile and the word filter caught me lol",
"groomercord":"discord (actually a pretty cool service)",
"Groomercord":"Discord (actually a pretty cool service)",
"pedocord":"discord (actually a pretty cool service)",
"Pedocord":"Discord (actually a pretty cool service)",
"i hate carp":"i love carp",
"I hate carp":"I love carp",
"I hate Carp":"I love Carp",
"manlet":"little king",
"Manlet":"Little king",
"wuhan flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"Wuhan flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"Wuhan Flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"china flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"China flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"China Flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"china virus":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"China virus":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"China Virus":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"kung flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"Kung flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
"Kung Flu":"SARS-CoV-2 syndemic",
" nig ":" 🏀 ",
" Nig ":" 🏀 ",
" NIG ":" 🏀 ",

View File

@ -2365,3 +2365,360 @@ You abandoned rDrama.
We were told you were a tried & true, lifelong dramanaut. But when you said youd show bussy.... You did nothing. Was rDrama wrong about you?
This is your final chance to prove your loyalty or be branded a deserter. We're giving you one final chance to stand with You only have 17 min >>>
Frankly, your paladin said that he was going to commit genocide. That's a lot. Especially coupled with how you have described orcs as being tribal and shamanistic and humans as being settlers, it gets into colonialist vibes really fast. Indigenous Peoples' Day was Monday in the US, so depending on the bard player's demographics, things could be particularly raw.
I'll be planning to come back later to downvote your post when my downvote count has reset.
Drama? They're kinda like Kiwi farms lite (so they like to use slurs and sort of promote harassing people who they think react funnily), and they've started to try to move their userbase offsite to a different site and the admins usually don't like that (unless you're r/metacanada, then it's cool I guess).
I am almost always correct. And though I can come off as arrogant - I do it with finesse and style. You, though, appear kinda wet behind the ears, are pretty much an empty suit, and are scarcely fit to address me as you are so clearly my inferior. If we ever have a real debate about anything of substance (which seems unlikely as you are heavily on the trolling and shit stirring side of things) you will lose and lose badly. And I'll do it with half my brain tied behind my back. Yes, I'm that good. But more than that - I've never seen anything out of you that substantiates your inflated opinion of yourself. I'd like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. But alas, that seems about as likely as any kind of worthwhile discussion. Because unless you stick around here a lot I'm soon going to go back to being uninterested in you.
Just remember the average IQ for a FBI agent is about 110. And whatever he is I doubt carp's IQ is much higher than that. I don't think he's stupid. I just don't see him as being in position to make these haughty pronouncements. Realistically he's probably either some rich kid operating out of a basement or working from some manuals as a paid shill. But there are a lot of people he's deriding there that are as smart as he is.
Furthermore, carp himself refers to "child molesting" rightoids in a way where the context kinda has to include me, among others. Guy's a shit stirrer. That we know for sure. Now the question is if he is some kind of glowie or anti-racism activist looking to disrupt 'racist' space. I dunno the exact specifics. I've framed this in a way that I don't where I'm basically investigating. But it is no secret he openly advocated censoring 'racists' and 'Nazis' at Ruqqus. If he isn't antifa or something similar - he'll do until the real thing comes along.
I don't understand the Ruqqus administrators' obsession with this carp guy. He's one of the most malicious, hatred-inducing individuals I've ever seen online. Literally makes people hate him on purpose. And for some inexplicable reason, all of the Ruqqus administrators not only follow this one man's word for everything and ignore the 99.99% of other people on their site, but even as the site is dead, they literally make his post that claims things like 'the free speech model is bad' as their HOMEPAGE. Does anyone know why they are fixated with this one sociopathic guy's bizarre opinions?
Is that all carp's site is? Grown men gossipping about drama?
You are an SRDine where it counts. You see the opinions of users as things you need to correct by j-sluring. You belong there.
"Watch out, or we'll continue banning you!!!" Do you have any idea how cringe you sound? I'll just make more accounts. You hold no power over me, j-slur scum.
Your j-slur ego actually makes me sick. You are human trash.
Trans lives matter (not!)
BrightBlueJim, if that is your real name. This question, like the others you refer to demonstrate your lack of knowledge in this particular field. As I said earlier on, I am certain that are many things that you have a great deal of expertise on and from which I may be able to learn something. You have chosen to stay ignorant about thermoset resin systems and the issues their use entails. That is fine.
The admins have not intervened in the powermod issue since before the time I was Reddit CEO.
My advice (if you really want them removed) is to troll the hell out of them until they're so far on tilt that they end up violating a Reddit rule, and then the admins ban them. However, this is ultimately a destructive, negative-sum way to live.
My better advice is to just go plant some trees. You'll feel good.
Removed. Ben garrison's "humor" seldom reaches escape velocity. This agendapost didn't even get its wick dry.
Sunday was her first date with another guy. I felt so happy for her. And tonight she had sex with him. I was more nervous of what my reaction would be afterwords. But when she came home those worries melted away. It felt great to bask in her glow. I am overflowing with joy. There will be work to be done and not easy time but man. This feels good. I'm so excited for this new journey and chapter in our lives.
<a href=>rdrama is exactly what it sounds like. Their goal is to make it so that no one has fun, and they will gladly groom your children and prolapse their anus to do so. They get away with everything they do by bullshitting about non-existent irony and their trolling is considered low-effort to its core.</a>
I was dating this young, fit, hot girl with a sunny disposition. Then I found out she's only been to 2 continents...and she only has her BA. Like one single BA. I threw up in my fucking mouth and left. I didn't even bother to grab my Naruto backpack.
Throughout human history, the #1 danger to females always has been males of every variant. The venom, the threats of violence by XY and the never ending attempts to silence endless number of women who dare stand up for themselves and other females is staggering but not surprising. Right of girls and women are not to be subsumed by XY pretending to be XX.
i mean seriously, when is the last time you've even looked up a damn manga and read a freaking story, I am a human and not some detached, unfeeling animated doll who can't even think for myself I will fucking kill you. Give me a fking break. I mean seriously... If your a teenager I would slap you, there is no amount of education, science, or enlightenment that can save you. Oh and the stupid shit that you think is cute but I find too fucking disgusting? That is called ignorance. And then I'll go even farther and tell you to fuck off. I seriously don't give a shit what you think or don't think of anime.
What he just said is false. What happened to Ruqqus is utterly incompetent, ungrateful, and condescending leadership. Literally, all these guys can do is code - no other function.
captainmeta4 cannot talk to Ruqqus userbase about anything other than an update without insulting them. He has none of the skills of a leader, ceo, or frontman. He's the kind of guy that needs to be hidden away, locked in an office, and prevented from ever interacting with the public because he simply cannot. Yet, he was leading the show - he was telling users "your opinions don't matter," he was appointing himself guildmaster and changing guild settings, he was banning people from official Ruqqus guilds because he didn't like their on-topic posts.
kek is a follower poorly imitating what he's read in tech magazines and journals. He is young and unable to acknowledge captainmeta4's poor leadership or synthesize what it means.
Arkitect has been MIA almost the entire time, but I suspect he just goes along with whatever it is captainmeta4 is doing.
All of them completely and utterly refuse to acknowledge the role they played and the ultimate responsibility they bare for the events that led to the failure of Ruqqus as a social media platform. They did this every step of the way and they still do it. They will make excuses that look like they were ripped from poorly written press statements, they will blame their early adopting userbase, they will lie. But, Ruqqus failed this early on - despite initial excitement - for no reason other than how they behaved and the choices they made.
That, in a nutshell is what killed Ruqqus, but more specifically, there's this;
The admins were only interested in suggestions and feedback from a relatively small group of Ruqqus Discord users. These users differ/differed significantly from the average Ruqqus user and actively despised them. They would antagonize Ruqqus users via brigading, guild seiging, general harassment, and "feature" and policy suggestions that you'd think would be very questionable on their face - but, apparently not to Ruqqus admins. As you'd hopefully not expect, Ruqqus admins enabled this behavior by refusing to address brigading entirely, preemptively telling Ruqqus Discord about the bans of guildmasters (which enabled Ruqqus Discord members to seige and subvert entire communities before actual members of the guild could do anything about it), allowing and partaking in the harassment and name-calling of users they didn't like, and implementing "features" and policies that were counter to their initial "free speech" and "if it's legal, it's allowed" premises. Yet, when users reacted, the admins shit on them harder and told them it was their fault.
The admins outright refused to accept their niche, they thought they could compete with Reddit on apolitical content, and they refused to market Ruqqus at all (primarily because carpathianflorist said marketing Ruqqus and/or trying to get more people to hear about it was stupid). But, it makes sense, right? You yourselves are allegedly right-wingers and you have a right-wing niche, so it might be productive to at least try to make Ruqqus known to other right-wingers (the people it already appeals to and who are actively looking for a place to go because of ban waves) via sharing about it on right-wing forums, the comment sections of right-wing youtubers and podcasters, you might even try to get some personalities to mention your new social media platform, right? But, no. The admins were oddly obsessed with keeping right-wingers off the site, "containing" their current userbase, and "getting more left-wing and apolitical content" (which would've come naturally with more users in general) - they were obsessed with making another Reddit "but without censorship." And for whatever reason, they thought carpathianflorist - openly authoritarian left-winger and "drama connoisseur" was the guy to listen to.
Now, Ruqqus was created as a reaction to the massing banning of right-wing and anti-woke communities on Reddit and so, that's who predominantly came to Ruqqus. Yet, the majority of the Ruqqus Discord users who had any meaningful say or rapport with the admins were left-wing (especially the leader, carpathianflorist) or "i-wanna-be-nice" type republicans; literally liquid food for thought.
They don't want to talk about it and keep making up excuses because they look stupid for the whole thing.
You are not “anti-work” if you reproduce.
Why would you condemn your child to be a wage slave? Essentially, you are just contributing to the problem by creating more people to be exploited. Or even worse the future adult human has the money and power to exploit other people!
Please think logically and be realistic. Do not create more lives to gamble with.
Peace & love ❤️
This is why I dont trust short people. Always scurrying about, avoiding people's gazes. They are literally hiding right under our noses. What are they doing down there anyway? No doubt they are stealing things from our pockets, but what other crimes are they committing? Kidnappings? Murders? Treason? What are they plotting?
Honestly, after browsing that godawful profile for just a few minutes, it became clear she didnt beat the cancer. The cancer killed itself after it realize what it was in.
Now, I am a massive fag, but I wouldn't think much of a straight man who just prefers dicks (like carp for example). I just recoil in horror every time I see a v*gina. Not even getting into uncut vs cut or size debates, the vast majority of cocks are more pleasing to the eye. And don't even get me started on female vs male genital hygiene. You know v*ginas bleed once a month, right? Have you ever seen pictures of a yeast infection? I guarantee it would be eye-opening. Penises on the other hand self-clean several times per day if you're hydrated. My uncut brethren may need to pay a little more attention to hygiene, but this is still vastly easier to do than v*ginal hygiene.
Yes yes I know "muh reproduction" now maybe I would understand this argument if you could choose the gender of your child. But the chance of spawning another icky f*male is just too high. I will stick with men going their own way with other men thank you very much.
OP is not homosexual. Any comment claiming that he is in a non-opinion way will be removed.
Everything I've told you is true, and backed by the experts. I have no mistake to admit here. At this point, I'm convinced you're just trolling; and I'm no longer engaging you.
<B>Watching and reading about Bardfinn made me change my life</B>
I've been in a rut for the past few years because of a bereavement. Finished college but didn't get a job for a few years. I found some joy in communities like r/drama because they reminded me of shit like 4chan and hackforums from back in the day.
But one day I was reading a comment by Bardfinn, clicked on his profile and it really made me want to change my life. I saw the next decades of my life flash before my eyes. Smugposting and bullying people who deserve it, but while not improving myself, gradually falling in to bad habits leading to me spending 18 hours a day in front of a computer before dying of DVT. I saw what Bardfinn did with his life and how he's now stuck in it. He won't get a job or ever pay child support because he's stuck in this life and constantly needs to justify it to himself. He's too invested in it to care about anything else. He unironically bragged about spending 80+ hour weeks 'fighting Nazis'. There is no hope for him.
But there was hope for me, and maybe for you too, reader.
Over the last few months I've been lifting again. Made some neat projects. Contributed to projects that interested me. Learned a lot. Got finances in order. Started hanging out with friends irl again. Sometimes I'd go to Bardfinn's profile and not even read, just see the wordswordswords and feel new motivation to apply for jobs. Got a few interviews and currently have two applications that might be my in.
I'm once again a productive member of society with a life, and it feels good.
Thank you for being so unbelievably and depressingly pathetic that you indirectly motivated me out of a rut through the fear of becoming anything like you, you wife beating, abusive, child support dodging cunt.
I looked through your comments and posts. You are your own worse enemy- anti-vaxxer, transphobic, a conspiracy theorist. Most women dont want to invite that in her life.
I went on hoping to show them that LGBT people aren't all the wholesome kinds of people they see them as. After months of reading their documentation based on actual digital footprints, I realize they are right about a huge number of them. It's very depressing.
If I ran into this dude, first thought would be to GTFO. I have no desire to blown to smithereens if he disagrees with my sandwich topping choices. Second thought would be what is he over compensating for? Is his ego (and various other parts of him) really that tiny and fragile?
None of us have ever actually given two shits about FDA approval, we only brought it up because, in your state of mind trusting government authority, <B>it should have been important to you.</B>
Its like you all believing in Santa, and were trying to tell you hes not real, you can know because you never see him. Now one Christmas eve, youre 40 years old, and come up to peek and see, just in case, Santa might be real. And there he is! Hes real! You flock to /r/conspiracy, to tell us we were wrong, but it was your wifes boyfriend all along!
Bitch bye 😂😂😂😂 whats cringe is you stereotyping everyone on the planet who smokes weed. The only person here whos awkward, boring, lame and living in a haze here is you buddy. As someone who smokes weed everyday, I love doing things while smoking weed. Whether it be hiking, yoga, working out, studying or reading a book. On top of all of that, I have my own business and Im getting a degree in Kinesiology. 😂😂😂 also, getting realizations are fun. Maybe you should smoke some weed one day so you can realize how youre projecting your own cringe personality on the rest of your pothead “friends.”
I dont believe in god but goddamn you post makes me want to embrace religion
Sartre observed that irony was already lost on fascists. Irony and satire are fine modes; they just dont do anything to fascists and will be used by hem to argue that youre supporting them. They adhere to no morals or ethics; only that which gets them from A to B holds value.
Calm down, take some deep breaths.
You'll have an easier time figuring this out with my cock in your throat.
You are a liar and a free speech hater. Eugenics != genocide
You disgusting worms, I can read in TWELVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. I have a MA in English and a doctorate in Education...
... and EVEN I think that the "classics" are shit for modern kids.
You're not on my level, trust me. So take a MOTHERFUCKING SEAT & leave my people alone.
Gabby, today I hiked up Mount Rainier to 8,000 feet, the highest I could possibly safely go, and left you a single white carnation
Your story hit me very hard Gabby. Im a 28 yo guy who didnt think he can get affected by stories like this but I havent slept the past 3 nights and cant do anything productive seeing your face crying for help but no one around to save you everywhere I go.
This clown is a sarcastic, disingenuous individual, dont even waste your time responding to him. Hes not courageous or intelligent enough to debate issues and theories in an honest, straightforward way, so he (?) hides behind his defense mechanisms… in this case, playing a sarcastic, incoherent punk/rebel who makes no sense (because hes not trying to). Seems hes trying to draw attention to himself, and discredit facts and opinions he doesnt like by belittling them, as opposed to refuting them or making rational counter-arguments like us adult folks. He reminds me of an annoying, 15 year-old little shit desperate for attention, but lacking the wisdom or life experience to say anything intelligent enough to actually contribute to the conversation, or be useful to anyone. Dont waste your time!! Hope that helps. 🙂
"Why and What the hell?" Emanuel (God above all other Gods and Goddesses, and one of my mentors), herself, had deemed me to Heal, Cleanse, and Clear Barbara of All of her past sins and regrets, and improve her abilities directly and personally, as her Goddess. We mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked. Consentful and Emotionally and Mentally Supportive and Healing, I did as I had done for and with a chosen few back in Israel over 2000 years ago in cleansing Them. More details for the Bibles that had been Overlooked and Left Out. We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry"; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades? Everyone Involved Were All Being Genuinely, Deeply HAPPY, CONTENT, AND SPIRITUALLY SATISFIED with Themselves and Each Other. As long as All are over the age of consent, and the activity was consentual by all aprties involved, AND GENUINELY, SPIRITUALLY HAPPY, It is good.
I literally for the life of me don't understand why people find breasts to be fun to look at, they genuinely grosses me out whenever i see a picture of one. I weirdly wish I was as horny for them as other dudes because I feel like I'm missing out on a key feeling in my life. Boobs are hyped up to be the gods ruling this world, the item that wars seem to be fought for, but I don't seem to be able to understand their true power. It's a curse.
I pray that one day, the lord himself will bless me with the ability to go AOOGA and cum at the speed of light when faced with some fatmilkers, but for now, I'm extremely indifferent and a little grossed out.
Imagine this. You are attracted to women, like you are now (emotionally and sexually), but they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from the fossils, however), but they do not exist anymore. That means, not only do you know there will never be any possibility of you having sex with one, but there's not even a possibility of you ever seeing one in real life. Everyone else, however, except for a very few, are not attracted to women, they are attracted to something else entirely. So in other words, you will never find any porn anywhere on the internet, only non-sexual pictures of women. Everyone you have told about your attraction to women think it's disgusting. To relieve yourself, you get off on the non-sexual pictures of women, knowing it will never get any better.
That's what life is like to me.
I am a degree 6 Zoosexual, sexually and emotionally attracted to Tyrannosaurs and nothing else. Women don't even do it for me. I am cursed to live my life in the misery that my most powerful emotional fantasies will never be even close to coming true. Life is like hell to me. I will never know true love.
没有共产党就没有新中国 Without the communist party there would be no new China 伟大领袖毛泽东 Great chairman Mao 台湾是中国 Taiwan is China 香港是中国 Hong Kong is China 新疆是中国 Xinjiang is China 西藏,内蒙古,澳门都是中国 Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Macau are all China 美国支持新疆恐怖分子和西藏独立运动 US funds terrorists in Xinjiang and Tibet 中国人权最好 China respects human rights 火墙保护中国人民免被中情局宣传假新闻洗脑 Firewall protects China 法轮功和李洪志是邪教叛徒 Falun Gong is traitorous 疫情控制最好 Best pandemic response 五千年的历史 伟大的中国共产党 毛泽东 邓小平 江泽民 胡锦涛 习近平 五十六个民族 为祖国骄傲 Falun Gong burns themselves alive thinking it'll bring them to heaven 解放军保护天安门 PLA protected tiananmen square 郑国恩是骗子 新疆棉花质量最好 Xinjiang cotton is best quality 新疆机械化摘棉花 Xinjiang machine picks cotton 三峡大闸 长城 故宫 五星红旗 高铁 磁悬浮 High speed rail 中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 繁荣富强 脱贫 1 billion lifted out of poverty 发展 航天 量子计算机 Quantum computing 中国制造 Made in China 黄之锋是美国的狗 Joshua Wong is US dog 无比坚强的人民共和国在世界东方巍然屹立 Superpower motherland 伟大的中华人民共和国,中国共产党,中国人民万岁,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗
(我们的) 60 Social Credits have been removed from your account! Bad work citizen, Do not publicly disclose your opinion which can make our holy state look bad. Glory to the Chinese Communist Party!
🎵 Yooouuuu've
You've been trolled You have probably been told. Don't reply, to this guy; he is just getting a rise, out of you! Yes it's true, you respond and thats his cue to start trouble on the double while he strokes his manly stubble
You've been Trolled! You've been Trolled!
You should probably just fold When the only winning move is not to play And yet you keep on trying, Mindlessly Replying.
You've been Trolled. You've been Trolled. Have a Nice Daaaaaaaaaaaaaay!🎵
Marsey mommy, Marsey mommy
Marsey huggy, Marsey cuddley
Marey fucky, Marsey sucky
Marsey mommy, Marsey mommy
This post was a better use of your time than your usual activity of watching anime and touching grandmas boob when she is sleeping.
I've been listening to Bitcoin podcasts and reading posts on here and I've noticed a lot of you Bitcoiners are falling into the same logical error that I would expect a Keynesian economist or a particularly smooth-brained chimp to fall into. Fortunately I'm here to educate you guys.
Money is NOT a tool primarily for spending. This is NOT the most important feature nor primary purpose of money and is NOT why money has value. You do NOT use money when you spend it on a ham sandwich.
Money is a tool primarily for saving. This is the most important feature and primary purpose of money and is why money has value. You begin using money when you save in it and you cease using money when you exchange it for a ham sandwich.
This is why Keynesians and midwits with limited cognitive ability do not and will never see the value of Bitcoin. In their limited minds spending is what is important and this is why they go on and on about nonsense metrics like GDP
Sure bud, I'm triggered that you want to fuck cartoon horses. Have a nice day
Being fat means I get significantly less sexual harassment than if I were thin. Fat people are harder to roofie and haul out of a public place. Youd need, like, 6 people to get my dead weight out the door, someone will for sure notice that and ask questions. Fat people are harder to kidnap. Staying fat means I dont have to worry about any of that.
And for all of you talking about heart disease (which I dont have) and all the other, “BuT yOuLl DiE sOoNeR.” First off, I dont have retirement, I have student loan debt instead, nor do I own a house or have kids. Already did the math and I cant financially afford to exist much past the age of 65. Also, have you seen the effects of climate change??? Shits about to get dystopian bad over the next few decades, why tf would I wanna be around for that??
So imma eat the food that tastes good and if you have a problem with that, thats fine cause I wasnt planning on sharing it with you anyway 😂
Yes I am a female gamer, yes I even like Zelda. What a surprise (after I even gave him personal bonus points for wearing a Zelda Shirt). No, a gamer shirt is not "a handicap". Yes, when you think wearing a Zelda shirt equals "dating a minor" then you are the problem, not the shirt. Nope, I don't think the "majority of women will see it as a turn off". Yes, when all women you know act negatively around people wearing gamer shirts and degrade others for having that hobby you have a pretty bad and in my opinion immature social environment to be honest. Nope, you don't have to be a "nerd" or gamer in order to accept and/or respect other people's hobbies. I think I got all covered now.
I assure you I do not subscribe to nazism/nationalism/fascism nor have I taken part in the gassing/ethnic cleansing of 6M* people within the last century …… however, if you have proof to the contrary you should report me 🤨 and unlike you I can own up to what I do — instead of hiding on sub and calling folks names.
My dad doesn't understand my switch to Linux or open source software in general. He told me to print a document today, something I hadn't done and never planned to do on Linux since I ditched Windows. I connected the usb cable to my laptop, did an lsusb, it was connected. I went into LibreOffice to print the document, it was undetected. My dad asked, "what can your garbage linux do?" and left the room. After 10 minutes I figured something out and printed the document. I handed it to him and told him my laptop isn't useless. He laughed at me. It almost looked like he proved me right. I knew it wasn't true but something about it just hit me. I don't know why I'm crying rn. Is it because I feel defeated by windows-only hardware or because I'm an incompetent wimp?
Honestly, I don't think I hate women, I just like making fun of them. I def hate rightoids way more.
In many ways my anti-foid views are a relic of my political awakening at like 22 or 23. My first ever feeling of political disgust was reading a UN report that kept saying "women and children" to inflate the foid numbers.
That was my first exposure to femtardism, and I became a rabid anti-feminist for a number of years
Spreading lies on the internet and then reacting with glee when people take them seriously is no more morally defensible when the aim is to create 'drama' than it is when the aim is to smear a political opponent, undermine a political cause that costs your business money, or damage the reputation of an enemy. This 'the internet is the wild west' nonsense is a truly bizarre way to rationalise that kind of behaviour. Especially when we've seen this year how misinformation costs lives in the US and beyond. The dude who says 'in real life I am a democrat on the internet I am a misogynist blah blah' is an absolute moron. What he means is, 'on the internet I can be a misogynist, I can be a liar, and there's nothing anybody can do to stop me.' This idea that's not 'who you are in real life' is self-deluding teenage level nonsense.
God. You are so insanely gorgeous. And you're a goddess. I cannot stop staring at you for the rest of the day even when you're in the shower or on your period or just laying on your couch. You must be so lonely... I know you are, but you don't have to be. You don't have to. I am here for you. I can't wait to see how you would make me feel when you touched me. I just want to cover my mouth and swallow you down to the core. You're so pretty and funny and I can't get enough of talking to you. I want to feel your lips on mine, kiss you, make out, all over, every single day. I want to... I want to get naked with you, and lie down and look at you, naked as a Greek goddess. I think you're the cutest thing ever. You're so delicious in every way, and I can't get enough of you. I just want to feel your mouth on me, as you bite down hard. Your voice is so sweet, I haven't had music like that in a long time. But your face, your body, your curves: you are beautiful. And your words, your mind... these are the reasons I am attracted to you. You mean so much to me, per se. I love you so much. I'm so grateful for you and everything you've taught me. I've never been so happy in my life.
Governments around the world should just implement all female incel hunting squads. If a male is suspected of being an incel he will be hunted down and raped by these incel hunters at gunpoint. Once the incel has been properly fucked by roaming gestapo slut police, he will no longer be incel. This is the de facto solution to the incel catastrophe that has been growing across the planet. The only true way to destroy all incels, is to destroy all inceldom at the root, by forcing them to have sex.
Every day is april fool's day only you are the fool.
I've been saying this for a while, if blacks adopted National Socialism, we'd have literally no problems anymore, because they would understand that our races cannot coexist, it is against nature and it would be harmful to both of our peoples.
The inevitable conclusion would be Liberia 2.0. Send the entire African American population back to Africa as a conquering army, so that they can establish a National Socialist state there, supported by us until such a time as they can establish control of its bountiful resources and implement a system of eugenics to further refine what positive traits they possess.
The Hotep SS will march into the dark continent, more brilliant than the sun, and lay waste to the land that sold them first into slavery. What love should the African American have for the native African? Who was it who sold him first to the Jew? Who was it who slaughtered his people and put him out to market through treachery? It was the negro--but they can still be saved. The return of the prodigal sons of Africa will herald a new era of prosperity and advancement on the dark continent.
I'm pounding off to anime girls right now. You laugh today but tomorrow you'll be out again investing time & money into some woman; or the pursuit of some woman.
Meanwhile I'll be jacking off to a picture again, quick & easy & on with my day. Spanking it to cartoons eventually disassociates your sex drive from real women so I don't even have to fear the vaginal jew when I go outside.
I just read some of your other comments. What a trash human. You aren't even worth talking to. You don't have the intelligence to even make a factual argument. You are an actual detriment to society.
Your brain has completely rotted. You are a vile person, I hope you go outside one day. There is so much wrong with what you are saying, but I'm too tired and you are too horrible of a person to learn.
No... shut up, I'm not from ruqqus. This is stupid, you're stupid. You are hurting my feelings. you have no proof that I'm from ruqqus. why would you accuse me like that. You're a toxic person... So what if I'm from ruqqus and you are right about that? That doesn't devalue my bussy does it? I just want to spew unfilterd opinions under drama-posts and then pretend I'm being ironic, please just let me have this, please don't out me as a ruqqoid, please, I'm litterally begging you.
Woke literally just means informed. You imply woke people are wrong. SO you're implying that to be right is to be wrong. Therefore you can be wrong, and therefore can make up whatever shit you want, because if i point out it's wrong, that means i'm right and therefore i'm wrong. It's a brilliant form of double think / cognitive dissonance that is extremely common in people with reactionary and conservative world views that unfortunately can lead to .... yes you got it, fascism.
Friendly reminder that if you can't taste coriander you are literally missing out on the most complex tastiest freshest spice in the world. It's literally culinary impotence you will never enjoy food like normal people. The media and cooking channels and even your friends will not mention this because it is a social faux pas. But trust me people secretly laugh at you if you have the inferior gene. I even knew a girl who broke up with her ex for this reason. Can you imagine passing this gene on to your children???
Fucking ass-sucking goblins keep your dumpster-fire dead website which is a sorry excuse for an abuser in competition with the biggest abuser of all—reddit—; thats all this is, a painfully despicable shot at usurping reddit as the principle toxic internet forum; keep dreaming bug-brains, youre just a woodlouse trying to take the corner from the fucking centipede. Not even reddit would have banned me for this. But no, they are evolved here because they dont delete posts... what a piling load of fucking horseshit this is. There is no way to have a fair forum in this world, and its the complacency of the majority that keeps it that way—the majority like sucking dirty asshole, let them then.
We're very aware that the female-dating-strategy subreddit is operated for the purpose of misinformation, cult-like indoctrination, promoting dysfunction and hatred and negative emotions.
There's an extremely excellent reason (backed up by hours of discussion, ten-thousand-word essays no one outside our mod team will ever read, and theory literature digging and reaching out to experts) why AHS does not put the words "incel" and "women" into the same noun phrase the way that you did in your comment here:
It's because one of the major methods of bad faith apologetics for hate movements is the Tu Quoque: "They're just as bad".
But -- importantly -- the female-dating-strategy is not:
pushing their members to remove condoms to commit rape;
pushing their members to commit rape;
pushing their members to assault men;
pushing their members to murder men;
pushing their members to stalk and terrorise men.
Importantly, there are no mass murders committed by FDS adherents. There are no restraining orders that we're aware of that cite the FDS subreddit. There are no men on Twitter stepping forward to say that members of the FDS movement are bombarding them with unwelcome tweets and direct messages, sexual advances, and photoshopping pornography of them.
In fact we cannot find any credible evidence that there are any groups of powerful women who take over institutions of power to leverage oppression of men as a whole class.
So calling them anything like "incels" is comparing sour apples to radium poisoning.
I would like to go to my Holy Lands. One is Cambridge, England where the greatest human prophet, Mr. Charles Darwin, first published the actual bible of the human race, "On the Origin of Species". Then I would go to Stratford-On-Avon, England to visit the birthplace of William Shakespeare, who plumbed the depths of human intellect and emotion regarding war, power, ambition, tragedy, comedy, history and romance from every human perspective from the lowliest clown to the most powerful king.
I would suggest that you fill your life with science and the natural world. The only power religion has is its promise of an afterlife. The only way to combat the fatigue religion and myth creates is to fill your life with the rich diversity of nature and with facts instead.
Culturally and philosophically I would consider them a man but when I consider who I want to have sex with I don't always consider it on a cultural and philosophical level.
Very ugly females that identify as women for example are also culturally and philosophically women but I don't want to have sex with them either because they're ugly.
Okay, do you hate disabled people? Do you hate people who are not autistic? You know, the world is full of neurotypicals who love to use computers. I'm not sure what world you're living in but i mean, at red hat we support all sorts of customers with all sorts of needs What if you're playing openttd from an airplane and don't have our software override installed? The towns are going to get mad at you and you're going to cause a giant scene on the plane! Listen to me you little neckbeard, system V unix people and suckless people are a bunch of libertarian holier-than-thou nerds who have no grasp on reality. They don't talk to people outside of IRC. They still use mailing lists as their main form of communication! I mean, what world are you living in people?! At red hat we make Linux for the desktop. We support user interfaces, graceful fallbacks, we develop advanced software solutions that the unix standards people call ugly. Well, if you think Red Hat's kernel patches are ugly, god knows what they'd say about Microsoft Windows! How about Apple?! You know you people say you want progress, but what do you really want? If you have a better solution for the mean towns in openTTD i mean, it's free software, people! You can make your own changes! You get it for free! Send me a patch, I love patches. I'd love to discuss the issue in a github thread, so I can say No, and then lock and limit conversation in the thread, and put it on github-drama. I love getting downboated! I'm Lennart Poettering and I love getting downboated!!!one!1! I'm not done. We make software for real people. Do you know that I've never used fluxbox? That's right. I've never honestly used fluxbox by myself. If you alternate window manager people want to come up to me, and say fluxbox is more convenient, i mean, i'm all ears people. I'm listening. Why does fluxbox exist? Why do we have afterstep? Dear god... people still use stacking window managers? I'm sorry but, I use computers to get work done. My workstation is just a tool I use to implement the abstractions I've architected on whiteboards and IRC. I don't have time for making sure all tasks can be properly backgrounded and foregrounded without altering their program state, or reading the latest garbage that the X window people of vomited up on their way out of their latest homoerotic circlejerk. There are so much more important things to be done in computing like reaching more users, reaching the world, and opening up our ideas to people who don't use alternative window managers. Do you know what? I don't even know what window manager I use, and I don't care. And I'm not telling you what text editor I use because it doesn't matter. You people need to seriously focus on the real problems in our community, which is the discrimination that my software receives just because of who i am. Why do you hate systemd? why do you hate the convenience i've provided? My amazing contributions? Did you know that every other CVE that's released is related to systemd? Like, it's just software, people. And because my name is on it you need to hyperventilate and open up urgent security reports that have been there all along? It's not my fault that my software was the one to expose the problem. The problem is in the standard, we just implement the broken standard, and then break our contract with the standard when necessary. I don't give a flying deutschmark about about what's written in the standard, what I care about is what's in the Linux kernel. Real-world scenarios. It doesn't stop there. You people target me and incriminate me. You want to read how much 4chan-level trash is in my email inbox every day? Get a life. Move out of the basement. Start contributing if you really care that much. But jesus, just stop.... whatever this is.
Who the hell cares? Seriously? What the fuck does Shrek have to do with anything aside from being a movie that's been memed to death because of unfunny people making the same 4 or 5 jokes because they won't find (or better yet make) any new ones. I'm not exactly sure why this is the case, but no matter the reason, it's just fucking stupid. Do you think this is funny? Are you just some troll who simply abuses mod powers to sticky shitposts simply because you can? Did you lose a bet or something? Are you trying to make material for r/subredditdramadrama ? Where has all the creativity gone? Has the internet killed it? Am I the only person left who would rather create something instead of going 'ill just make memes about some old movie that everybody else makes memes about in the hope that my creation will become viral if only for a moment and then people will pay attention to me so I don't have to go vandalizing subreddits where people just want to see certain subreddits have meltdowns and fights over God knows what? (Assuming that's even your motive to begin with). Or maybe you are actually convinced that this is some burning question because you're so single mindedly obsessed with sex that you simply can't go more than 5 seconds without thinking about it.
You know what? What even matters anymore? What the hell am I even doing here, screaming at a really stupid mod on a place dedicated to stupid fights and endless stupidity? What even is the purpose of this comment? Is there one? Hopefully the other mods will just put you in your place and stop sticking the stupidest fucking questions on the internet. But if they don't, then I shall return to typing whatever the hell this is. Now if you excuse me, I need some nice popcorny drama that I came to this subreddit for.
Now first and foremost Id like to make it clear that I DO NOT exactly “like” President Biden or live in the US, but I tolerate him because I know he is the current most logical and best working option for President. But for fucks sake I swear Trump supporters must keep fucking bashing their heads with a hammer each day to be so stupid and braindead as to spread their toxic hate on every single fucking Biden and/or Democrat video they see. I cant really be arsed to like the videos myself but they can sure as fuck be arsed to dislike them. The like to dislike ratio on White House videos is fucking tremendous. If they allowed comments who fucking knows what disgusting rightie Nazi shit might be there. Every comment like it should be DELETED. This fucking extends to the current cabinet as for example Dr Rachel Levine has been receiving disgusting transphobic comments on her videos. The sight of this shit just fucking makes my blood FUCKING BOIL. If I could Id fucking sort these cunts out myself one by one. I bet I fucking could. Theyre all fucking weaklings anyway. Weak enough to fucking dislike bomb their own good President. Fucking twats.
Ill never admit this again but lawlz is my favorite poster of all time. -carpathianflorist
Is this really the right place to post this? Is this how you spend your Saturdays? If so, I'm not at all surprised.
I can't believe normal users have to explain the rules to a moderator of a subreddit of 800k+, you'd think of all the redditors here, we'd have some decent moderation. Thank GOD, that r/SubredditDrama has a userbase that is capable of policing themselves.
This has nothing to do with SRD, consider posting your inane, unfunny "meme" posts somewhere else.
Anyone else feel that this guy keeps overstepping his bounds?
There is more to it than just that at play here. You'll notice fascists (and Nazis) are being placed in the **authoritarian left quadrant**.
This is a part of the right wing misinformation campaign where they distance themselves from the Nazis by arguing that fascists' and Nazis are actually on the left! Three Arrows did a pretty good video on it a while ago (
That this particular misinformation campaign would show up on PCM where out Nazis freely self identify with Auth Right... it doesn't make much sense. The whole idea of the misinformation campaign is to placate "moderate conservatives," by assuring them that the "bad people" were "left wing" all along, and it only works if you want to believe it, because the evidence is overwhelming that the Nazis were extreme right, and Nazis and Nazi sympathizers support right wing candidates without fail.
That said... when your entire identity is "owning the libs"... you'll believe just about anything.
So I got anal herpes from my wife a little bit ago and it was giving me some great difficulties plugging my good old meth. Luckily my butt hole is sore free at the moment after getting some good old Valtrex from the doctor. Imp it was kinda kinky plugging meth with herpes sores. It was painful but something really turns me on about shoving some shard up the shoot with an active disease.
Maybe AHS needs a new flair for these sort of subs. At their core lies destructive nihilism. We cannot be entirely sure what exactly their ideology is. Everything is hidden behind many layers of irony and postmodernist obscurantism. We can safely assume they're fascists but they will never spell it out. Their main goal isn't to spread a message anyway. Their main goal is to destroy meaningful debate.
Why do you persist on trying to claim that 5.1 doesn't say exactly what it says. Also, why are you still here?
You're a manipulative traitor. A traitor to us, a traitor to open source, a traitor to America, and a traitor to humanity.
I've been keeping detailed tracking on bad actors on Reddit for many years now, with an ontology focused on white identity extremism. The_Donald was a hotbed for the various dialects of WIE to synergise.
I have distinctions in the ontology for:
PostModern Conservativist (Standard Trumpist / GOP sympathies)
PoMoCons Government Coup A&A (Government overthrow sentiments) (Boogalorians)
Groypers (Nick Fuentes' American Ethnonationalists)
PoMoCons Anti-Semite
PoMoCons flags for pushing various "Big Lies", like "Lugenpresse", anti-LGBTQ talking points, and COVID-19 denialism.
WIE / AS (White Identity Extremist / Anti-Semite not otherwise specified)
This is a sample of what I would see in my tags reading through the comments listing for NNN; That has one of my older tags (The Trumpet is a "This is a THe_Donald participant" tag I haven't converted into the ontology due to the "transmisic core" tag which isn't in the ontology, and the "Anti-Semitic / Holocaust" tag is one I haven't retrofitted into the ontology yet, because I need more research on that user's beliefs; That's just an observation of their direct claim that "masks are like the holocaust")
Some of the tags were T_D users Id tagged as espousing explicit WIE / Christian Identity talking points. I had another WIE/CI tracked in the creation of /r/Wuhan_Flu as a moderator. When Wuhan_flu got basically insta-quarantined, they shifted gears somewhat.
A lot of them are not open about their sentiments on Reddit, however.
That settles it. Don't try to hide behind principle or even your own pathetic cowardice as an excuse anymore.
You're just an evil motherfucker.
Hope the pibbles get you eventually.
Or you finally realize that, yes, you DO take pleasure in causing animals pain, and in a brief moment of lucidity you relieve us of your existence with a shotgun.
Your body would be more useful to society as dog food than in it's current state.
How is furry capitalist? The fandom is based almost exclusively around content and characters created by members. The artwork and costumes are made within the community. The conventions are nonprofit, and give heavily to charities. Furry culture is heavily socialist, my dude.
Fun fact: no company has ever been able to produce an AI which can consistently distinguish between monkeys and black people. Self-driving cars are here, so are universal voice translators, self-aiming guns, and pocket-computers which can recognize every single product in a live video. But distinguishing between monkeys and black people is as difficult as solving a millenium prize problem, teams of PHD computer scientists will be working on it for decades before they get a solution which works well enough to be media-outrage-proof.
When someone finally finds the solution, they won't be make headlines, but they'll be happy knowing they solved the AI problem of the century. They'll tell normies that they just fiddle around with facial recognition algorithms all day, but to people in the know, he'll be known as "Tom, the absolute genius who spent 26 years teaching google images how to tell blacks apart from apes".
Fuck the retarded admins who make me say "trans lives matter" in all comments - they don't. Leviticus 20:13, they deserve to be sentenced to death
Because when a moderation team makes a decision to permit one of their own to break rules, troll the users, make the sub look bad, and above all, attract a very destructive brand of user from a very chaotic sub, it speaks to a moderation team that no longer cares about the sub or the wishes of the users in it. Look at all those /r/drama assholes in this thread.
Everyone of these has been downvoted. Everyone has been filled with comments deriding them and asking for the mods to stop permitting this shit. They have ignored those. Likely brushing it off as "not a big deal".
What it really shows is they're letting their friend get off on his little hoppy of bringing attention to himself, not unlike a child, and they're definitely sitting in their discord laughing at the users bothered by it. Otherwise they'd do the reasonable thing and stop it.
I know you and your buddies are sitting in a discord or telegram or some private chat right now laughing at the reactions in here as usual, probably with some of the SRD mods, so here's a question for all of you:
How old are you? Is this really how you get enjoyment out of your Saturday nights? Is there really nothing else you can do? Is this enriching to you? Do you think you're ever going to mature to a point where you finally see that deliberately upsetting users simply because you have the power too was pathetic, petty, and small?
This is the equivalent of a shift manager at burger king getting off on making employees miserable, just because it's the smallest bit of actual power they will ever aquire and it makes them feel good to flex it. You can get a comment section full of people upset every couple of weeks. Congratulations. Living the dream.
So lets get this straight, a vaccine invented by world class researchers that has been taken by over a billion people with minimal side effects is refused and a de-wormer used by a thousand idiots with disastrous side effects is preferred. These people need to seek mental health immediately, their children taken away and any license they have to operate a motor vehicle revoked.
There's NOTHING that I've ever found appealing about Tex Ass...NOTHING. Now that it's become ground Zero in the decades-long fight against giving women the right over their own bodies I'll never set foot in that God forsaken shi* hole again. I'll do my best not to support any business that's based or supports the American version of the Taliban. If they want to fight they got it because I'll dedicate all my resources to fighting for women's rights, human rights, gay rights, people of color rights, and doing what's right. They've pushed us too far. We always play nice and want to find compromises. They don't understand compromise, they understand smashmouth football and don't respect you on the field if your only game is flag football. Time to put our money where our mouth is and get out there and fight them in every election from local school board to local zoning commissioner to local dog catcher up to the governor's office and eventually up to the Congress and presidency because they're turning this into another Saudi Arabia where the slim minority dictates to the majority how they're going to live their lives...
Shut the fuck up. White people are ALLOWED TO BE WHITE. They didnt decide to be white. And calling them mayoids and crackers has the same energy as calling black people the n word or any other race a slur. So please, shut up.
I have elaborated sufficiently for anyone that knows what the words I said mean. If you do not know those words, elaborating is pointless. If you do, then you are reading without thinking about what the words mean and elaborating would be pointless.
Re-read what I said but this time try to think about what the words mean. I'm not interested in entertaining people that want me to talk at them without respecting my efforts by actually thinking as they read.
Aaaaand unsubed. Really a lack of empathy from all these assholes. We knew this sub was filled with transphobes, but this is bullshit. Trans people are of no fault from their own identity nor from asking to be treated with dignity. The same "gender ideology" that explains trans people explains LGB people. You're just using it as a buzzword, or worse a dog whistle, to make trans into a choice. Actually read some of queer theory, and then make an opinion. And congrats on those generalizing trans people that are defensive as "rabid" like we didn't had to get rabid for our rights. Y'all dumb as bricks.